
Meghan Markle's dad slams his daughter's 'sense of superiority' and warns he is 'about to unload' on the royal family in scathing new interview

thomas markle meghan markle

  • Thomas Markle had some scathing words for his daughter Meghan and the British royal family in a new interview with Britain's Mail on Sunday.
  • He called Meghan "cold," said she had a "sense of superiority," and said she would be "nothing without me."
  • He also blamed the royal family for putting Meghan under "strain" in her new role.
  • The 74-year-old has for weeks complained about being cut off by the royal family.

Meghan Markle's father has described his daughter as "cold" and blamed the British royal family for the "strain Meghan's under" in a blistering new interview with British media.

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, Markle described how he was being cut off from the Duchess of Sussex, warned that he would "unload" on the royal family, and even suggested that "it would be easier for Meghan if I died."

The 74-year-old claimed to be punished by the royal family for staging paparazzi photos and for discussing domestic violence and Donald Trump in a wild interview with British media earlier this year.

He has now given more detail on his so-called punishment, telling the Sunday newspaper:

"I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off.

"Those numbers were disconnected, they no longer work. I have no way of contacting my daughter."

meghan markle

"Everything that Meghan is, I made her"

Markle also had some scathing words about his daughter, who he said seemed to have forgotten about his role in her life.

He told the Mail on Sunday:

"What riles me is Meghan's sense of superiority. She'd be nothing without me. I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her. ...

"I was... making good money, and could afford to give her the best, with a good school, good education, good home. She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her. 

"And did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn't even speak to me now. How cold is that?"

meghan markle trooping the colour

"I'm about to unload" on the royal family

Markle heaped on extra blame on the royal family, who he said has been trying to make him "just go away."

"I tell you, I've just about reached my limit on Meghan and the royal family," he said. "I'm about to unload on them. They want me to be silent, they want me to just go away. But I won't be silenced. I refuse to stay quiet."

He also reiterated his previous claims that Meghan was buckling under pressure and "terrified" in her new role as Prince Harry's wife.

"I can see the strain Meghan's under, it's in her face," Thomas Markle said. "The Royal Family has taken her back to the 1930s, and it's ridiculous.

"Oh, she shows a little shoulder here, a touch of ankle there, but she’s not the Meghan I knew for years. You can even see her wondering whether she’s doing it right every time she crosses her ankles rather than her legs."

Separately, People magazine reported earlier this month that Meghan doesn't understand why the Queen prefers that she not wear pants, and regularly asks Prince Harry for the reasoning behind various royal household rules.

meghan markle duchess slant cross legs mistake

Thomas Markle added that he wanted to send Meghan a card for her birthday on August 4, but that she would "probably never see it" — and that if he sent something by priority mail, "the Palace would probably just soak it in water for three days to make sure it doesn't explode."

"They're just like a Monty Python sketch," he said. "Say a few critical words about the Royal Family and they put their fingers in their ears, cover their eyes and pull the blinds down."

Meghan Markle and the queen

"Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died"

Despite his harsh words for his daughter, Markle said that if he and Meghan never spoke again, "I don't know how I can go on without my heart breaking."

He said he "could die tomorrow" due to his heart problems — he suffered a heart attack earlier this year, and reportedly skipped the royal wedding due to heart surgery — and added ominously:

"It wouldn't be so bad. I have something of a Buddhist philosophy about death. Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died.

"Everybody would be filled with sympathy for her. But I hope we reconcile. I'd hate to die without speaking to Meghan again."

The duchess seems to have a fraught relationship with other members of her family, apparently stemmed by tensions between her and her father. Last week her half-sister, Samantha Markle, wrote in a series of now-deleted tweets: "If our father dies I'm holding you responsible, Meg!"

Read the Mail on Sunday's full report here.

SEE ALSO: Meghan Markle's dad says she has a 'pained smile' — and he's worried she's buckling under the pressure

READ MORE: Meghan Markle reportedly doesn't get why she can't wear pants around the queen

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