
What others actually think about you, according to your zodiac sign

gossip girl

  • How other people see you can depend a lot on your zodiac sign.
  • Taurus have an air of serenity about them while people can't help but notice Scorpios ooze sexuality.
  • Although Libras are good at dealing with the public, they are also sometimes seen as vain. 

While what's most important is what you think about yourself, you still might be curious what others think about you. Whether you're seen as warm or aggressive can depend on what your zodiac sign is. Read on to see how other people see you.

The following is an excerpt from "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk:

SEE ALSO: How to get your crush to like you, based on their zodiac sign

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Your upbeat, magnetic personality pulls people toward you-you bring excitement into their lives. They envy your aggressiveness in meeting a challenge. Whatever the problem, you give the impression that you have an answer ready. You’re also admired for your honesty; you don’t gloss over difficulties. What people don’t like is your tendency toward bossiness and your deserved reputation for being sharp-tongued. They’re afraid to cross you in an argument because they know you can cut them to the quick.


You’re thought of as a serene influence, someone to depend on, and you’re admired for your organized mind. Not many people realize that you’re sensitive and easily wounded. You are trusted as a tastemaker, and your artistic and esthetic opinion is welcomed. Because you have sound instincts about money, your financial advice is also sought. On the other hand, people resent your tendency to be dogmatic. Even if you’re right, others don’t understand why you have to be so unyielding.


People like to be around you because you’re interesting and amusing. They admire you for your talent with words and sense of humor. Although you’re considered more of a cerebral type, friends trust your judgment about emotional matters. They also know you’ll jump in to help when asked. Only those closest to you know you can be moody and discouraged. When crossed you can be sarcastic, which makes some people think you’re arrogant.

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