
Here's what to do when you find out you have bedbugs

sheets bedding sleeping bed

  • First: breathe. Then figure out if you're calling a pest management professional or dealing with the problem yourself.
  • If you live in an apartment or condominium, call your landlord or property manager immediately — bedbugs elsewhere in the complex need to be handled, too.
  • Depending on where you live, your landlord may be legally obligated to deal with this problem.
  • Properly handling a bedbug infestation is an ongoing process — you won't get rid of them overnight, even if you do call professionals.

As far as bad news goes, finding out you have any kind of vermin living in your house is never cause for celebration. Bedbugs feel more personal, somehow — I mean, these creatures are living in your bed and drinking your blood at night like tiny six-legged vampires.

However, that unsettling mental image doesn't mean that you should panic.

Instead, here are some decisive steps you can take to end their reign of terror and get past this infestation to live your best, bedbug-free life.

There's good and bad news about your bedbugs

First, the good news: Although these little bloodsuckers literally drink your blood as you sleep at night, they aren't known to spread disease among humans. That's especially helpful to know since Zika virus in mosquitoes is still a concern.

But now for the bad news: They're stinky. Also, they poop everywhere. If you notice a weird moldy smell in your bedclothes — and there's no reasonable explanation for it — you should check for little brownish or reddish spots that you also can't otherwise explain. Those are poop, and while they're definitely gross — at least now you have a reasonable clue about what's happening.

First things first: You need an inspection

Zhuang Jing checking for hairs on bed

Bedbug bites usually look and feel a lot like mosquito bites. Since they bite you at night — while you're presumably sleeping — you're more likely to smell them or see the fecal presents they leave behind on your sheets than you are to actually see the bugs themselves.

That's why it's important to correctly identify the pest responsible for those itchy bites before you go any further. Treatment and follow-ups for a bedbug infestation differ significantly from those for other pests that may also be biting you.

Failure to treat any type of pest infestation correctly just means you're going to have to start over from square one in the future — wasting your time, your money, and your patience in the process.

Once you've confirmed that it's bedbugs, it's time to identify, remove, and treat affected materials

Although bedbugs have that name for a very obvious reason, they don't confine themselves to your bed. However, they do like to stay within about eight feet of wherever you sleep.

Places you need to check for evidence of bedbugs include your mattress, box spring, all your bedding, your bed frame, in any cracks and crevices around your bed — including in furniture, behind wallpaper, and under carpeting. Electrical outlets and switch plates are also prime places they might be hiding, according to the University of Minnesota.

If you live in an apartment, you need to talk to your landlord right away

Your landlord needs in on the bedbug action for two reasons.

First, your neighbors need to check for infestations of their own and contain them — just like you're doing.

Second, the laws in your area may require your landlord's involvement in treating — and necessary follow-up — with any bedbug infestations.

Seek professional pest management help if you can

Individual bedbugs are easy to squish — if you see them. Unfortunately, there are almost always more than just the ones you see.

Not only that, but they reproduce by laying eggs. So even if you kill off a bunch of bugs that are out living their bloodthirsty little lives, when those eggs hatch, the problem cycle starts all over again.

Some steps you can do yourself — including a lot of deep cleaning

cleaning supplies

Once you've identified the items in your home that are infested, you'll need to securely put that stuff into sealed plastic bags. At this point, anything that you can launder should be laundered — on the highest heat setting you can. That includes all your bedding, sheets, and pillows.

Since bedbugs can travel very easily, it's also important to sleep in the same place you've been sleeping to avoid accidentally transferring bugs elsewhere in your home, according to TODAY.

Vacuuming everything in sight can be helpful, as long as you empty the vacuum frequently and keep what comes out of your vacuum contained. Steam cleaners can also be effective, according to the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program.

Why home pesticide treatments often don't completely solve the problem

Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are all over the news all the time in recent years.

While bedbugs aren't bacteria, they've also quietly been evolving to defeat the chemical compounds that were successful at controlling them in the past.

Add this to the fact that bedbugs can stay dormant — not feeding on human or animal hosts for several months at a time — and you can see why this is a tough problem to face on your own.

Things to know if you do decide to face your bedbug infestation on your own

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates pesticides for use in human habitation — these are different from the ones approved for agricultural use. Make sure you're using the correct item for your application to protect humans of all ages in your house — as well as any pets.

It's impossible for anyone — professional or otherwise — to get rid of a bedbug infestation in a single day. Instead, the EPA recommends taking the time to develop and stick to a strategy. You're more likely to have success if you do this.

Always look for the EPA label and a specific mention of bedbugs on any pesticide that you decide to bring into your home. Also, the EPA warns everyone to stay both safe and legal when trying to combat bedbug infestations in our homes.

Plan to follow up and do several thorough bedbug checks in the future. Be prepared to repeat the entire process to rid yourself of bedbugs again if necessary — they're both persistent and resilient.

Unfortunately, bedbugs can be picked up from just about anywhere — from a five-star hotel to a movie theater seat to your Uber.

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SEE ALSO: 11 myths about bedbugs you need to stop believing

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