
Students Walk Out Over Racist Graffiti, Embarrassed When Culprit Caught

Thousands of students staged a school-wide walkout after racist messages were found on the bathroom walls at their high school. However, they admitted it was “embarrassing” when they found out who the culprit was.

Thousands of students at Parkway Central High School participated in a walkout over racist graffiti found in several bathrooms. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

After a series of anti-black messages appeared in multiple school bathrooms, students at Parkway Central High School staged protests to demand administrators weed out the racists. On one bathroom wall, the graffiti read “Hope All [expletive] People Die,” while another bathroom contained the message “White Lives Matter [expletive].”

Thanks to relentless fear-mongering, even the slightest hint of racism is enough to send an entire school into chaos. Disturbingly, this boogeyman is now running the show, compelling administrators to kowtow to emotionally unhinged children who’ve been indoctrinated to believe they are oppressed and victimized.

Students screamed and cursed their white teachers and peers, accusing them of racism. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Thousands of students marched out of their classrooms, holding signs and voicing chants against racism. The teens immediately blamed their white teachers and peers for oppression, demanding that the administration implement policies to end the bias.

“You’re not changing. You not. You not. And you sit here and you say that you are but you’re not,” one teen screamed through a megaphone at a white faculty member. “I shouldn’t be out here. I should be in there getting my education but I have to sit there and I have to be in fear of what’s going to happen to me at that school.”

“You don’t deserve a right to say you’re working on it. I’m working on it. You’re sitting still,” another girl yelled at the same educator.

Fearful of their own students and the accusations of apathy toward apparent racism, Principal Dr. Time McCarthy gave a rousing condemnation of the offender, assuring that “these actions, which degrade an individual’s human dignity, have no place in school.”

Determined to track down the racist, the school launched an investigation into the possible hate crime, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. However, the manhunt fizzled out when investigators discovered that the culprit is a black student. Once school officials realized the offender’s skin color, they scrambled to alleviate the blame from the culprit.

“The student responsible is not white, however this does not diminish the hurt it caused or the negative impact it has had on our entire community,” Superintendent Keith Marty wrote in a letter to parents. “We cannot presume the reasons a student would do this and it will be important to understand why this happened as we move forward.”

Having participated in the walkout, Parkway Central senior Brittanee Jackson, 17, told the outlet that it was “embarrassing” to find out that a black student had written the messages. Still, she and her classmates doubled down on the allegation that the school is systemically racist.

Parkway Central High School
A black student later confessed to writing the racist messages. (Photo Credit: Provided)

The superintendent confirmed that the offender would be appropriately disciplined. Bizarrely, he proclaimed his support of students disrupting class to protest against their school administrators.

“I want to tell the thousands of students who participated on behalf of themselves and their fellow classmates: I am proud of you for supporting one another and we heard you loud and clear,” he wrote.

The incident marks the second time a non-white student has confessed to scrawling racist graffiti in the high school. In 2017, a black teen admitted to writing “White Lives Matter” followed by a racial epithet in the bathroom.

Parkway Central High School
Parkway Central High School continues to kowtow to the unhinged students, offering support for their protests. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Immature and naive children are running the show, and it’s turning out exactly as expected. Of course, this is the fault of the parents and school officials. If these young people were being taught just how privileged and comfortable their lives are, they might think twice before crying wolf.

Sadly, the political narrative that is causing a national divide has infiltrated the school system. Instead of strong, resilient academics, we are raising social justice warriors who lack self-control and critical thinking, and who see racism around every corner.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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