
Inmates Hear About Accused Child-Killer’s Crimes, Wait Until He’s Asleep

A man was jailed after he was charged with the brutal torture of several children and the murder of one little girl. Of course, when fellow inmates heard about the crimes, they waited until he went to sleep to unleash their brutal punishment.

Jorge Barahona
Jorge Barahona and Carmen Barahona (Photo Credit: Palm Beach County Sheriff/Miami-Dade County Sheriff)

For years, Jorge Barahona awaited trial for the horrific sexual abuse, torture, and murder of 11-year-old Nubia Barahona. He and his wife, 69-year-old Carmen Barahona, had adopted and fostered several children and subjected them to unimaginable abuse over the course of their childhood. Tragically, the little girl wouldn’t survive her parents’ sick torture.

Along with her twin brother Victor, Nubia suffered from the moment she entered the Barahonas’ home. The court heard that the couple routinely tied up the children, made them take ice or bleach baths, and routinely starved them along with forcing them to eat feces and cockroaches, the Daily Mail reports. Jorge also reportedly beat and tortured the children and forced them to molest one another along with sexually abusing Nubia himself.

Nubia Barahona was physically and sexually tortured by her adoptive parents until the day of her murder. (Photo Credit: Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office)

Despite numerous reports of alleged abuse over the years, the Florida Department of Children and Families (FDCF) only intervened after it was too late. Victor was found covered in chemical burns and barely clinging to life. Nubia’s body was discovered soaked in chemicals and was decomposing. Jorge was found passed out near the body.

Fortunately, Victor summoned the courage to testify against Jorge, accusing his adoptive father of strangling him with a rope, tying a plastic bag around his head, and gluing his eye shut. With a mountain of evidence against her and her husband, Carmen pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse. In an effort to evade the death penalty, she agreed to testify against Jorge and was sentenced to life in prison.

Jorge Barahona
After he fell asleep, Jorge Barahona was confronted by 5 inmates who were disgusted with his charges. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Jorge, however, refused to cooperate. Unlike his wife, he pleaded not guilty and opted to drag out the case in court. While awaiting trial, he soon realized that sentencing is the least of his worries.

When a group of fellow inmates somehow caught word of “the nature of his pending charges,” they decided to deliver their own form of justice. The gang waited until Jorge went to sleep and entered his cell, brutally beating him. Luckily for Jorge, security footage alerted officers, who managed to get to the accused child killer in the nick of time.

(Left to Right) Armando Verdecia, 21, Oscar Martinez, 29, Klauss Moise, 20, Hakeem Drane, 24, and Devaun Spaulding, 27, received additional charges in the beating of Jorge Barahona. (Photo Credit: Miami-Dade Corrections)

Jorge suffered bruising and swelling to his face and head, a bloody nose, and a laceration on his nose. Thanks to the quick response of the correctional officers, he is still alive and didn’t receive serious injuries.

Oscar Martinez, 29, Devaun Spaulding, 27, Klauss Moise, 20, Hakeem Drane, 24, and Armando Verdecia, 21, were identified from the footage as those delivering the brutal beating. The 5 men faced new charges regarding the assault.

The system designed to protect children utterly failed Nubia Barahona and her twin brother Victor. (Photo Credit: Provided)

In light of the scandal, the FDCF paid a $5-million settlement to Victor for failing to take action after numerous reports were made concerning the couple’s physical and sexual abuse. Still, no amount of financial compensation can remedy the trauma and pain that he must feel.

The system that is designed specifically to protect the innocent continues to fail miserably, leaving helpless children in the hands of their abusers. Had the reports of physical and sexual abuse been properly investigated, Nubia would have been saved along with Victor.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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