
City Council Votes To Ban Pledge Of Allegiance, Patriots Confront Them

A Minnesota city council voted unanimously to eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance, which they used to stand and say before each meeting. Once local residents heard about their vote, they gathered to send their elected officials an unmistakable message.

The St. Louis Park City Council was met with a flood of angry citizens after eliminating the Pledge of Allegiance before meetings. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The St. Louis Park City Council gained notoriety after it unanimously voted to do away with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before meetings. According to BizPac Review, the council claimed that the decision was intended to create a more “diverse” community.

Council member Tim Brausen reportedly said before the vote, “We concluded that in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we’re going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting.”

Ironically, the council of U.S. citizen-elected officials suggested that pledging to serve the very nation of people they have sworn to represent no longer aligns with their views. Instead, the council members were sending a message to their own voters that they wish to honor the interests of other nations. It was then that citizens delivered a message of their own.

After banning the pledge, council members were confronted by over 100 angry protesters. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)
Protesters flooded the city council chambers as well lined the streets. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

WCCO reports that indignant citizens stormed the St. Louis Park City Council chambers, protesting inside and out in a show of force to demand that they reinstate the Pledge of Allegiance. More than 100 angry civilians patriotically waved American flags and interrupted the council meeting to stand and recite the pledge.

The protest was so impactful that the city council decided to reconsider the decision to eliminate the pledge. Incredibly, several officials renounced their votes, claiming that they would now support reinstating the pledge before every meeting. Anne Mavity had initially argued that they should ban the pledge as a show of dedication to “non-citizens,” despite their duty to serve only the United States and its citizens.

“We clearly fumbled by not anticipating the desire of our St. Louis Park residents to be in conversation about this,” said Anne Mavity, council member.

Councilmember Anne Mavity (back-left) initially supported the ban but quickly backtracked when she saw the crowd. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Despite the community’s objections, some of the council members doubled down on the decision to reject pledging allegiance to the country they are supposed to serve. In fact, Tim Brausen wielded his political position to mock his own constituents as backward country bumpkins with outdated “traditions.”

“People are upset because evidently here in Minnesota we are playing around with their hallowed traditions,” said council member Tim Brausen, who was interrupted by shouts.

The protests have garnered international attention, prompting St. Louis Park Mayor Jake Spano to call for the council to reconvene and revote. In an interview with FOX News, he urged them to listen to the voice of the people and reinstate the pledge.

“I would like to see the pledge brought back, I’ve been clear with my colleagues about that and that’s what I think this conversation is going to be moving forward,” Mayor Jake Spano said.

Councilman Tim Brausen (right) mocked those who supported saying the Pledge of Allegiance. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

As the media, celebrities, and social justice warriors propagate that the U.S. is founded on racism and oppression, so we see our beloved symbols and traditions denounced as symbols of inequality. Of course, the American flag is no exception.

In recent years, the flag and our respect for it have been painted as white nationalism. As such, any hint of patriotism must be snuffed out in order to appease those enjoying all the privileges and freedoms our nation has afforded them. Disturbingly, our elected officials are some of the most fervent activists on the matter.

St. Louis Park Mayor Jake Spano called on the city council to reinstate the Pledge of Allegiance. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The council members showed their true colors when they confirmed that they seek to represent citizens of other countries, including individuals who have broken our laws, disregarded our values, and abused our taxpayers.

The city council has promised to make a final decision on the matter. However, just as they are torn on whether they represent their own citizen voters, they are still torn on whether they should pledge allegiance to their own country. We can be sure that the voters won’t forget this matter once it comes time to vote on whether to re-elect the city council members.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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