
Woman Starts Screaming After Seeing Shirt That ‘Demonizes Muslims’

A woman was at a university when an “unwelcome visitor” walked onto the campus. She immediately didn’t like what she saw. With one look at what was on his t-shirt, she made a demand before unleashing a surprise on the man who had a response ready for her.

Dennis Huts
Dennis Huts is a recognizable member of United Patriots Front (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Ayan Mohamed is the young woman who confronted prominent United Patriots Front member Dennis Huts at Perth’s Curtin University in Australia. The Muslim woman is a left-wing student politician, while the man is a far-right anti-Islam leader. It was the perfect storm.

Mohamed is a left-wing campaigner who is standing to join the National Union of Students as part of the Left Action group. On a campaign leaflet at the university, she says she will “defend student’s rights and fight for social justice.” However, not everyone seems to be a fan of her combat style.

Ayan Mohamed is a left-wing student politician. (Photo Credit: Provided)

The video of the confrontation shows Mohamed screaming at Huts, but it is unknown if the dispute started before the filming began. The mobile phone footage shows the woman furiously shouting at the man, labeling him a “fascist” and accusing him of “demonizing Muslims.” As he tried to walk into the university building, she said, “You have no right to be here.”

Huts then informed Mohamed that he previously attend the university and had an appointment at student services, but she quickly shut him down. “You have no right to be on this campus. No, you don’t. Get off this campus. You’re not welcome here. Get off,” the woman said.

Dennis Huts
Prominent United Patriots Front member Dennis Huts is pictured wearing his t-shirt which supports Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party. (Photo Credit: Provided)

Mohamed went on to criticize Huts for his t-shirt supporting Australian politician Pauline Hanson, who is the founder and leader of the One Nation Party. The controversial Queensland Senator has sparked outrage from critics by calling for an end to all Muslim immigration and claiming that “Australia is in danger of being swamped by Muslims.”

“Why are you wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt? Why are you wearing a Hanson shirt?” Mohamed repeatedly asked. “He is a proto-fascist,” she shouted as other students began to gather around. “He has no right to be here. All he wants to do is demonize Muslims. Muslims have had enough. Get off this campus, you’re not welcome here.”

Ayan Mohamed received support from another woman who witnessed the confrontation. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Huts insisted that he had as much right to be on the Curtin University campus as anyone else, as Mohamed continued accusing him of being a “fascist.” Another woman, who appears to be a friend of Mohamed, went to her defense. “Respect our rights. F*** off, move on,” she said.

“I have an appointment at student services. I am going. You’re the one who followed me,” Huts replied. “I am an ex-student of this university. I have a completed degree here, and I have an appointment,” he added. “I have a right to be here. I have an appointment. I don’t attack anyone. I have an appointment at this university. Deal with it.” He then walked off and entered the university.

After Dennis Huts uploaded the footage on Facebook, he was banned from the social media platform for 30 days and his original video was removed without an explanation. He said in the banned video that he was “attacked by a Muslim woman and her Marxist friends.” In response to the footage being removed, he said, “It staggers me they would do that given the stuff they allow to be on there. It seems like such a double standard.”

Ayan Mohamed has been the target of abuse on social media with many people taking the side of Huts after watching the video. One commenter said that Huts should have “choked her” with her burqa. However, she was wearing a hijab in the video, not a burqa. Mohamed deleted her Facebook page after she was contacted by news outlets.

Dennis Huts
Dennis Huts is pictured speaking at a Reclaim Australia rally. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Huts maintains that he did nothing wrong. Interestingly, Mohamed was often present as a counter-protester at rallies he attended. “They’re regulars at Reclaim (Australia) rallies. They recognized me that’s what set them off. They don’t like it, so I was attacked,” he said. “You saw the video, I did nothing wrong. I wasn’t the aggressor, I maintained my composure and I uploaded the video and it started to get viral.”

Huts said he did not wear the t-shirt to start a fight. “Wearing a shirt, if you want to say that’s stirring things up … I wear the shirt a lot, a couple of times a week to all manner of place,” he said. “Sometimes people look, and I’ve had people say things, but she’s a democratically elected senator and a lot of people voted for her.”

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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