
Teen Stabbed Man To Death For Spilling Coffee On Him, Gets Plea Deal

An older man accidentally bumped into a 15-year-old and his friend, spilling his coffee on the teen. The man apologized, but the pair still lost it, brutally attacking the older gentleman. Then, the teen stabbed him to death. A judge has since decided his fate. Was justice served? You decide.

Marquest Hall
The McDonald’s where Marquest Hall killed an innocent man over spilled coffee (Photo Credit: Screen capture/Connecticut News 12)

Marquest Hall was only 15 years old when he and James McLamb, then 22, killed 52-year-old Antonio Muralles outside a Connecticut McDonald’s, leaving the community shaken. The killing, which a judge called “brutal, senseless, and totally unnecessary,” took place after a dispute erupted over spilled coffee.

Muralles, a Guatemalan immigrant, had just left a Stamford McDonald’s with a coffee when he inadvertently bumped into Hall and McLamb, spilling some of his beverage, Daily Mail reports. He apologized, but that wasn’t good enough for the teen or his accomplice. Hall allegedly spat in Muralles’ face and asked if he wanted to die.

Antonio Muralles (Photo Credit: Screen capture/ABC 7)

Sadly, the question wasn’t rhetorical. Hall and McLamb were ruthless, according to police. The two proceeded to taunt Muralles, poking him with a stick. McLamb punched the man who had innocently spilled his coffee and Hall stabbed him as they continued to attack Muralles. Their victim fell to the ground, but the beating didn’t stop. Hall took a final thrust with the knife, fatally stabbed Muralles in the heart.

Sadly, it seems the spilled coffee was just an excuse for Hall to release some frustrations. According to Prosecutor Paul Ferencek, Hall was trying to instigate a fight that night by poking men with a walking stick and harassing them, The Stamford Advocate reported. So, this entire incident was seemingly instigated by a violent teen, but if you think that would result in stiff consequences for the murderer, you’d be mistaken.

Although Hall was initially charged as an adult and faced a first-degree murder charge, prosecutors offered the teen a plea deal because of his age and alleged learning disabilities. With no way to spin his revolting behavior into a justifiable action, Hall took the deal.

Two years after the murder, he was finally sentenced. Hall was given 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to first-degree manslaughter for his part in the killing. As if that isn’t a paltry enough sentence for taking another person’s life, Hall is eligible for parole after just 12 short years, meaning he could be released before his 30th birthday. But, it gets worse.

Marquest Hall
Marquest Hall (left), James McLamb (right) (Photo Credit: Screen capture/Connecticut News 12, YouTube)

McLamb, Hall’s co-defendant in the case who was also held on a murder charge, was also given a plea deal, according to The Stamford Advocate. After pleading guilty to a reduced charge of aiding and abetting a second-degree assault, he was only given five years in jail, a follow-up report from The Stamford Advocate revealed.

Are you disgusted? Well, there’s more. At the time of McLamb’s arrest, he was in custody in New Haven on an unrelated weapons charge with a $2 million bond, according to the Stamford Police Department. In other words, these weren’t upstanding “boys” who just made a mistake when their anger took over.

The scene of the crime (Photo Credit: Screen capture/Connecticut News 12)
The scene of the crime. (Photo Credit: Screen capture/Connecticut News 12)

These are violent criminals, at least one of which seems to be a repeat offender. While simple disagreements can get out of hand in a hurry, rational people walk away and ridiculous confrontations subside as cooler heads prevail. In this case, however, the situation escalated into something that’s nearly impossible to comprehend.

A minor inconvenience resulted in murder. An innocent man is dead over spilled coffee. Somehow, two young men found it acceptable to rectify an accident by taking a life. And, for that, they received a slap on the wrist. Antonio Muralles will never see the light of day again, so why should Marquest Hall be given that opportunity?

Marquest Hall
Antonio Muralles’ life was cut short when Marquest Hall stabbed him to death over spilled coffee. (Photo Credit: Screen capture/WTNH News 8, YouTube)

Apparently, prosecutors believe his age and alleged learning disabilities should afford him that right. However, any 15-year-old knows stabbing someone is wrong. If Hall’s learning disability prevents him from understanding that basic concept, should he be released into our streets, where — God forbid — someone might spill a beverage?

Both Hall and McCabe are hotheads and loose cannons who have proven they can’t control themselves when faced with even a minor inconvenience. If there’s no sense crying over spilled milk, there’s certainly no sense killing over spilled coffee. And, there’s no sense in a judicial system that seemingly excuses murder if the violent suspect is young and challenged in some way.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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