
School Officials Forced To Resign Over Texts About ‘Whites’

A pair of Latina school officials were forced to resign over a racist text message exchange about “white” parents of students. Despite apologizing, the women gave a ridiculous justification for their bigotry.

A pair of Boston School Committee members were forced to resign after their racist exchange was exposed. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Revealing the surging racism flooding the system, a pair of Boston School Committee members were exposed for the fact that their positions were entrenched in xenophobia. Text messages leaked by an anonymous source showed an appalling exchange between committee Chair Alexandra Oliver-Davila and member Lorna Rivera.

As deceptively titled “anti-racism,” equity, and tribalism fester in the education system, unfettered hatred is not only considered acceptable but has been adopted as the curriculum. Of course, this racial bias is only against certain demographics that the far-left has dehumanized as oppressive and inherently prejudiced, and this poison is being administered to our own children.

Alexandra Oliver Davila
Committee Chair Alexandra Oliver-Davila blamed white racists for her racist views. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The pair’s conversation revealed their disdain for “whites,” painting a disturbing picture as school leaders in charge of such children.

“Best school committee meeting ever. I’m trying not to cry,” school committee Chair Alexandra Oliver-Davila texted to fellow committee member Lorna Rivera, according to the texts obtained by the Boston Globe.

“Wait until the white racists start yelling at us,” Rivera texted back. “Whatever. They’re delusional,” texted Oliver-Davila. “I hate WR,” she texted Rivera again, a reference to the city’s West Roxbury neighborhood.

“Sick of Westie whites,” Rivera replied. “Me too. I really feel like saying that,” Oliver-Davila texted.

Once the women were caught, it was expected that they would apologize and resign. While they did issue a statement and step down from their posts under pressure from the community, they were anything but remorseful. In fact, they doubled down.

“I regret my personal texts, it was inappropriate,” Oliver-Davila wrote. “But I am not ashamed of the feelings from history that made me write those words.”

Alexandra Oliver Davila
Committee member Lorna Rivera blamed “white supremacist groups” for her hatred of white people. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Oliver-Davila gave a justification for their racism by stereotyping an entire race of people solely based on their anecdotal “lived experience” and boasting of her refusal to abandon her “antiracist work,” reports. She claims that she suffered racial epithets, harassment, and threats growing up and cited these incidents as the reason for her becoming a racist herself.

“It was painful. And in the heat of the moment it caused me to vent by sending inappropriate personal text messages to one of my colleagues. I regrettably allowed myself to do what others have done to me. I failed my own standards,” she said.

Rivera avoided mentioning the text exchange entirely and focused on presenting herself as the true victim. Rivera blamed the unidentified individual who exposed her and Oliver-Davila and pointed to a “right-wing” conspiracy.

“Nationally and locally, there are white supremacist groups that are coordinating efforts to ban the teaching of ethnic studies, diversity and inclusion activities, and other racial equity work in our public schools and universities,” she wrote. “I am being targeted as a Latina gender studies professor who teaches about racism, patriarchy, and oppression. Because of the harassment and overwhelming stress from School Committee-related work, my mental and physical health has deteriorated, so I need to resign and recuperate.”

The women have resigned but the tribalist curriculum that espouses their ideology is still in effect in Boston schools. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

The women both discredited their lazy apologies by concluding that they weren’t really at fault because their racist views were merely a result of racism they experienced at the hands of some white people in the past.

Outrageously, instead of condemning the racists, Mayor Kim Janey praised the women as “dedicated stewards of the committee and passionate advocates for Boston families” — just not the white ones.

“As women of color who advocate for racial equity in our schools, I also understand their comments were made in the wake of death threats and unacceptable racist attacks that were frightening, offensive, and painful,” Janey wrote. “Sadly, their departure also leaves a void in Latina leadership on our school committee that I am determined to address.”

The public education system has embraced “antiracism” and equity, which require that individuals be treated differently based on their skin color. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

The women are gone, but they are merely two peas in a pod of radical racist ideology. The same initiative to treat families and students differently based on their melanin count is still in place, and it’s cleverly referred to as “antiracism” and “equity.”

Schools are teaching our children that their gender, sexual proclivities, and race are the most important aspects of their lives. Sadly, if they happen to be born with the wrong skin color, genitalia, or sexual attraction, they are judged far more harshly.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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