
Mom Sexually Assaulted Daughter’s Young Friends During Sleepovers

A Nebraska mother was accused of sexually abusing her daughter’s young friends during sleepovers at her home. After the level of her depravity was revealed in court, she has since learned her fate. Let this be a reminder to other parents to be careful who you allow your children to stay with.

Christina Greer was accused of sexually assaulting her daughter’s friends at sleepovers at their home. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Christina Greer, a Nebraska mother-of-two, had her day in court after being accused of sexually assaulting her young daughter’s friends during weekend sleepovers at her home in 2017 and 2018 when the mom was allegedly 34 to 35 years old. It all began when Greer’s daughter was just 11 years old and Greer permitted the girl to have two male friends, aged 12 and 13, spend the night at their home.

Sadly, Greer had bad intentions. After allegedly plying the young boys and her own 11-year-old daughter with alcohol and marijuana gummies, according to Omaha World-Herald, Greer sexually assaulted the children more than once. She was initially arrested after police received a report that she had been having sex with one of the boys over the course of several months in 2017.

Christina Greer
Christina Greer (Photo Credit: Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office)

A Sarpy County sheriff’s deputy interviewed the child. According to the deputy’s testimony, the 13-year-old boy admitted to having sex with Greer on three occasions at her home near the Chalco Hills Recreation Area from September 2017 to December 2017, but much more was about to be uncovered.

The deputy and Greer’s daughter both identified up to six young teens or preteens who regularly spent the weekend at Greer’s house. Then, in January 2019, another boy came forward with similar allegations, amounting to seven total minors the mother had allegedly preyed on, and a child enticement charge was added to Greer’s long list of charges.

Christina Greer allegedly plied the children with alcohol and marijuana gummies. (Stock photo for visual representation only, Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Since they are minors, neither the victims nor the woman’s daughter was identified, but the girl did testify against her mother in court, saying Greer told her not to tell anyone about the assaults at their home because Greer would get in trouble and lose her kids. Greer’s daughter also testified that she heard her mother and one boy in her bedroom kissing.

Another teen testified that the daughter said the boy was having sex with her mom at the time, according to Sarpy County Deputy Attorney Phil Kleine. Prosecutors said Greer told the children to delete evidence from their phones and to not tell anyone about their sexual encounters, but investigators found sexually explicit photos of Greer from one boy’s phone, court documents show.

Christina Greer
Christina Greer (Photo Credit: Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office)

Sadly, it took years for justice to finally be served. Due to defense requests, Greer’s trial was delayed several times, but she finally learned her fate, years after her heinous crimes were committed when, after three hours of deliberation, a Sarpy County jury finally delivered their verdict.

Christina Greer was found guilty of three counts of first-degree sexual assault of a child, six counts of felony child abuse, and two counts of witness tampering, according to the Daily Mail. After the guilty verdict on 11 felony counts in connection with child sexual assault and abuse that occurred at alcohol-fueled sleepovers with young teens and even preteens, Greer was finally sentenced to 64 to 102 years behind bars, the NY Post reported.

Christina Greer
Christina Greer sobs in court. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Under Nebraska sentencing guidelines, Greer must serve 32 years in prison before even being eligible for parole, the Omaha World-Herald explained. The news didn’t seem to sit well with the mother, who bawled in court. During her statement to the court, a sobbing Greer said she was “so ashamed and sorry” for what happened. She said that as a mom, it’s her duty to protect her children and admitted that she had “failed.”

The predatory parent hasn’t strummed up any sympathy. Instead, Sarpy County Deputy Attorney Phil Kleine called out Greer for what she had done, painting a very grim picture of the life-long effects it will have on her victims. “Having sex with an adult female is thought of, ‘That’s the cool kid of the group,'” Kleine explained, but quickly added, “It’s just not the case in these situations. They’ve been bullied, transferred schools multiple times.”

After being sexually assaulted by Christina Greer, her victims were bullied and changed schools several times. (Stock photo for visual representation only, Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Explaining that the victims were now older and that “one of them just got a driver’s license,” Kleine added, “It’s just unfortunate they have to continue to deal with it,” and he also pointed out that it’s something they’re going to have to deal with for the rest of their lives. “Any relationship will have trust issues due to what she did to them,” he said.

As for the sentence, Kleine said that after the “harrowing experience for the families, for the victims,” which was drug out for years, “We’re immensely pleased.” He added, “It’s been a roller coaster of emotions. Just immensely proud of the victims, in this case, to be able to stay on course and still testify.”

Kleine is right. These children will have to deal with the consequences of Christina Greer’s actions for the rest of their lives, so it’s only fair that she faces a life-long punishment. With a sentence of 64 to 102 years, Christina Greer will never see the light of day as a free woman, and that’s exactly what she deserves. Other parents trusted this mother with their children, and that’s a sacred trust that should not be broken.

This monster not only lured them with alcohol and drugs, but she also stole any innocence they had by sexually assaulting them. It’s a sad world we live in when we can’t allow our kid to spend the night with a friend without having to worry whether another mother will victimize our child. Quite frankly, a person, who would do such a thing, doesn’t deserve to walk free, and we’re glad the court seemingly agreed.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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