
Woman Confesses To Decapitating Lover, Tells Police She’s Innocent

A New Hampshire woman made headlines after she confessed to cutting off her lover’s head and burying his body separately. However, even after divulging stomach-churning details, she insisted she’s innocent all because of her husband’s actions.

Britany Barron
Armando Barron (left) and Britany Barron (right) were charged in the horrific murder of a New Hampshire man. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

In a love triangle turned deadly, 31-year-old Britany Barron has disclosed the gruesome details of a heinous murder, implicating herself and her husband, 30-year-old Armando Barron. However, instead of acknowledging her guilt in her lover’s death, the woman has attempted to pin the grisly crime on her spouse.

The disturbing series of events began in the city of Jaffrey when Armando discovered that Britany was having an affair with her coworker, 25-year-old Jonathan Amerault. According to the Keene Sentinel, Armando allegedly concocted a chilling plan to get rid of his male competitor once and for all.

Britany Barron confessed to decapitating Jonathan Amerault (pictured) but maintains her innocence. (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Britany told investigators that Armando used her cell phone to lure Amerault to him before brandishing a gun and forced him into the couple’s car where he told his wife to shoot her lover. She stated that she wouldn’t go through with the murder, so Armando took the firearm from her and ordered her to slit Amerault’s wrists, which she did. She claims that Armando then fired three shots, which struck Amerualt twice in the chest and once in the head.

“Britany Barron would not place her finger on the trigger,” the affidavit says, summarizing her account. “When she did not shoot him, Armando removed the gun from her hand.”

After Amerault was reported missing when he hadn’t shown up to work, state police discovered his decapitated corpse buried separately from his head in a wooded area where the Barrons frequently camped. Although Britany confessed to decapitating her young lover, she has insisted that she was forced to do so at the behest of her husband, who had allegedly threatened her.

Britany Barron
Britany Barron claims that her husband forced her to slit her lover’s wrists and later decapitate his dead body. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Britany claims that she and her husband drove in separate vehicles to the area, where she was made to cut off Amerault’s head so that he couldn’t be identified. After she completed the task, his body was wrapped in a tarp and buried it in a separate grave.

“Armando Barron ordered Britany to come with him to an area where there was cell phone service,” the affidavit says. “Shortly thereafter, Armando stopped the car and smashed Jonathan’s phone on a rock. Armando gave part of the smashed phone to Britany.” They threw the separate parts of the phone out of the vehicle from both sides somewhere north of Errol, according to the affidavit.

Along with Armando, Britany was arrested and photographed, sporting a pair of black eyes and injuries to her nose. She told investigators that she had been assaulted by her husband the night of the murder and that he put a gun in her mouth and tried to strangle her. She added that their 9-year-old daughter had witnessed the assault.

The body of Jonathan Amerault was found buried near a camping spot the Barrons frequented. (Photo Credit: Instagram, Facebook)

Britany maintained her innocence. While she admitted that she sliced her lover’s wrists and later decapitated him, she insists that she did so under extreme duress and fear for her life. Her attorney, Richard Guerriero, laid the blame entirely at Armando’s feet.

“This really started with her being beaten severely,” Guerriero said. “If you look at her face right now … she still has the bruising on her face and around her eyes and it’s described in the affidavit. Armando beat her severely and threatened her. He put a gun in her mouth, an obvious threat to kill her.”

Britany was charged with three counts of falsifying evidence, accusing her of mutilating Amerault’s body and attempting to scrub his car of evidence. Armando was charged with capital murder as well as assaulting his wife. Both entered pleas of not guilty.

Britany Barron
Britany Amerault blamed her husband for her lover’s death, claiming that Armando beat, strangled, and threatened her in order to force her to aid in the murder. (Photo Credit: New Hampshire State Police)

While Britany accused her husband of forcing her to commit the crimes, the fact that she never tried to get away when the pair drove in separate vehicles to the wooded area will surely be held against her. Additionally, she never attempted to go to the police in the days following the murder.

Amerault’s murder was the result of a tragic culmination between a twisted love triangle and a severely abusive marriage. It exposes the grim ramifications of an extreme but undeniably possible outcome for those who remain in toxic relationships.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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