After being pulled over for speeding on her way to a doctor’s appointment, an allegedly contagious Muslim woman was filmed coughing and spitting on a police officer. However, it was the officer’s reaction that immediately sparked outrage.

During a routine traffic stop in Greenacre, which is located just southwest of Sydney, Australian police had no idea that a speeding citation would soon garner international attention for all the wrong reasons.
According to the Daily Mail, a local police officer pursued a 25-year-old Muslim woman for allegedly failing to stop after he signaled her to pull over. The unidentified woman was accused of running a red light and cutting off a vehicle in a no-passing zone at speeds of more than 75 mph. She claimed to be ill and that she was heading to a medical facility for testing.

After refusing to step out of her car, the Greenacre officer was forced to remove her from the vehicle and place her in handcuffs. Despite the woman becoming increasingly hostile and aggressive, bystanders were apparently more concerned with the officer’s handling of the situation.
A civilian managed to capture the arrest, which not only showed the woman resisting the officer but turning toward him and spitting in his face twice. The first time, the officer issued a warning. Once she spat a second time, he had no choice but to defend himself from the threat of coming into contact with the possibly infected bodily fluids.
“Do not spit on me or I will put you on the ground,” the officer said.
After she spat in his face a second time, he yelled, “Do not f—ing spit on me!” before slamming her to the ground.
Once the officer took the woman down, a bystander could be heard ordering, “Don’t f—ing touch her!” Recognizing that the atmosphere had turned, the officer called in backup. Several more officers arrived on the scene within minutes to take the woman to Bankstown Police Station.
Soon, the crowd began to swell and a group of men confronted the police, clearly upset with the treatment of the woman. Officers were forced to calm the situation, secure a spit mask on the woman, and quickly haul off the combative suspect into the back of a police van.
The Traffic and Highway Patrol Commander defended the officer’s response. He explained that the officer in question was simply trying to do his job when the suspect threatened his safety, requiring him to take preemptive measures.
“Police will not tolerate being spat at,” Assistant Commissioner Corboy said.
The woman was charged with reckless driving, speeding, driving erratically, driving with a suspended license, and assault of a police officer. She was ultimately granted bail after appearing at Parramatta Local Court, 4BC reports.

Both the woman and the arresting officer were reportedly tested for an infectious disease. However, the results of the tests have not been revealed.
While witnesses expressed their outrage over the police officer’s reaction to the woman, it’s safe to say that none of them would be willing to trade places with him, especially when the suspect is threatening to infect them with a serious illness.
Source: Tap Worthy Happenings