
Police Refused To Arrest Child Gang Rapists To Avoid ‘Racial Hatred’

After the death of a young girl, a bombshell whistleblower report has revealed that 97 men involved in child grooming gangs were allowed to continue abducting and raping girls because officers were afraid arresting them would “stoke racial tensions.”

A bombshell report alleges that Greater Manchester Police allowed a child grooming gang to continue raping young girls for fear of stoking “racial hatred.” (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Before her death from a suspected heroin overdose, 15-year-old Victoria Agoglia pleaded with the Greater Manchester Police to prosecute her sexual abusers. The teen had fallen prey to a child grooming gang run by dozens of abusers the suppressive media dishonestly refer to as “Asian” men.

After being ignored, Victoria sought help from her local NHS crisis intervention team, confiding in sexual health worker Sara Rowbotham. Mortified by the child’s testimony, Rowbotham contacted the police a whopping 181 times to report the abuse of Victoria and more than 100 other young girls, The Sun reports.

In a new interview, she said, “I kept being told the police can’t do anything unless you have a victim. You only have a victim if the victim is prepared to make a statement. It got to the point where we thought ‘is somebody going to have to die before anything is done?'”

Victoria Agoglia
The report comes after the death of child grooming gang victim Victoria Agoglia, 15, whose reports of horrific abuse were ignored by the police. (Photo Credit: Greater Manchester Police)

After the death of Victoria made headlines, authorities were pressured to launch Operation Augusta, which identified at least 57 victims, who were mostly white girls, and 97 suspects, who were mostly men of migrant backgrounds. However, only three suspects were convicted before the program was completely shut down. Now, a bombshell report is revealing the reason behind the closure.

The probe provides evidence that the Greater Manchester Police and the city council shut down the investigation because of the “many sensitive community issues” it presented. Police reportedly feared upsetting the minority community from which the men came, allowing the suspects to carry on abducting, drugging, and raping young girls for nearly a decade more.

“Concerns were expressed about the risk of proactive tactics or the incitement of racial hatred,” the 145-page independent review states. “The authorities knew that many [victims] were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect them from the perpetrators. This is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country.”

Victoria Agoglia
Police were ordered to ignore “Asian” grooming gang suspects so they wouldn’t appear to be targeting a minority community. (Photo Credit: Greater Manchester Police)

The report states that the police had just wrapped up a series of unrelated cases involving the Kurdish community, which stirred up tensions. The officers didn’t want to be seen as targeting another minority group, so the investigation was shelved as quickly as it began.

Confirming the probe’s allegations, an unnamed GMP detective constable explained that the orders to stop the investigation came from his superiors. He said that his bosses told him and his colleagues to “try to get other ethnicities” who aren’t of “Asian” heritage.

It quotes him saying, “He was grooming kids, the demographics didn’t fit as it was a prosperous middle-class area, and they were well-to-do kids. They weren’t from the original tranche of children that were in children’s homes. What had a massive input was the offending target group were predominantly Asian males and we were told to try and get other ethnicities.”

A detective constable claims that he and his officers were told to ignore the child grooming gang suspects and “try to get other ethnicities.” (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

The investigation’s halt led to dozens of more girls between the ages of 12 and 16 to be raped and sexually exploited by the “group of older Asian men.” Many of the suspects evaded justice and were free to re-offend. Most disturbingly, suspects even visited council-run children’s homes, bringing alcohol and marijuana with them, supposedly without the staff’s knowledge.

Although the probe has reapplied pressure to the GMP to go after the suspects and follow through with the legal process, many have escaped and their whereabouts are unknown. Furthermore, new victims will have to be added to the list.

The police’s inaction resulted in the continued abuse of at least 57 child victims by possibly 97 suspects. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Many are calling for the authorities to face legal consequences for shelving the investigation and allegedly preventing justice. However, it is unclear just how high up the ladder investigators will have to go to find out where the orders originated.

Dozens of children have suffered for more than a decade because of the authorities’ direct inaction. Sadly, victims like Victoria Agoglia will never see the justice that they truly deserve.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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