
Educators Tell 7-Year-Olds That ‘Racist Police’ Target Blacks

Parents were furious when they discovered that educators were teaching their second-graders that police officers “don’t like black men” and routinely target them due to racism. However, the school’s response to the scandal was no less surprising.

Grove Elementary is in hot water after a video was posted of anti-police lessons that were taught to children as young as 7 years old. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

A pair of Seattle-area schools are embroiled in controversy after several teachers were exposed as having pushed anti-police propaganda on children as young as 7 years old. The scandal broke when a second-grade teacher at Grove Elementary in Marysville, Washington, uploaded a disturbing video to the school’s online learning program.

The video, which is titled “Animation Series: Something Happened in Our Town,” features a young white girl and a young black boy who recount an officer-involved shooting of a black man, KTTH-FM reports. The white child asks her sister why the man was shot, to which the sister replies, “The cops shot him because he was black.” The girl’s mother then explains that it is “part of a pattern” of racially-motivated killings by law enforcement.

Grove Elementary
The lessons taught second-graders that “racist police” target blacks because they “don’t like black men.” (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Next, the black child’s father explains that the officer who shot the man “won’t go to jail.” The child’s brother then clarifies that it’s because “cops stick up for each other” before adding that “they don’t like black men.”

“Among the lessons being promoted, either in the virtual classroom or via third-party resources to parents, students as young as 7-years-old are taught that racist police routinely target innocent Black Americans but don’t suffer consequences because police cover for each other. Content also pushes far-left social justice causes as students are told to become social justice activists,” talk radio host Jason Rantz reports.

Students were required to watch the video with their parents as part of the classrooms’ curriculum. The children were scheduled to discuss the lesson in class a week later, according to the syllabus. Of course, the video’s deeply divisive content sparked fury with several families.

Following complaints, the school immediately pulled the video. However, journalist Rantz pursued the story, contacting the school to question if the video was vetted beforehand and if it will ever be shown to students again. After several emails, he finally received a response from Jodi Runyon, the school’s Director of Communications, Engagement, and Outreach.

“I was brief in my response because there really isn’t a story here, essentially, its a non-story,” she explained. She said the video was intended to be “an optional resource to build understanding in challenging times.”

Runyon ultimately blew off Rantz’s questions by downplaying the seriousness of teaching impressionable children to fear and despise the police. She then claimed that there was nothing more to discuss and dismissed Rantz, stating that the teachers have already “addressed the parents’ concerns appropriately.”

Grove Elementary
Grove Elementary Director of Communications, Engagement, and Outreach Jodi Runyon (pictured) claimed that the anti-police curriculum was a “non-story” and dismissed questions regarding the lessons. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

The content is disturbing for any age. However, it is particularly egregious to present it to children who haven’t yet developed the mental capacity for logical or rhetorical thinking. They are simply unable to think critically about the information they’re given and tend to automatically and fully believe what they’re taught without question.

Teaching children that the police are inherently racist and are discriminately killing black people is dangerous both to the children and our culture. Not only are these claims purely subjective, but they are also easily debunkable when put into context. This lesson and many others like it are proof that the public school system is less concerned with academically educating our children than it is with churning out social justice warriors.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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