
Teen Rapes and Murders Girl — Then Submits List of Complaints to Judge

After beating, raping, and bludgeoning to death a young girl, a violent teen was imprisoned for life due to the nature of the crimes. However, shortly after he arrived in prison, his attorney announced a series of complaints from the murdering rapist.

Viktorija Sokolova
Viktorija Sokolova, 14, was brutally beaten, raped, and murdered before her killer displayed her half-naked body on a park bench. (Photo Credit: Provided)

While walking his dog early one morning in Wolverhampton, a man spotted what he thought was an abandoned blow-up doll sprawled across a bench. As he approached, his stomach sank. The inanimate object left in the West Midlands park was none other than the horrifically brutalized body of Viktorija “Tori” Sokolova who had been reported missing the day before.

Lithuanian-born Viktorija, 14, had met an end that was so brutal it shocked British investigators. The child had been severely beaten and raped before being bludgeoned to death with a blunt object. Her partially-nude corpse was displayed on the bench.

Viktorija Sokolova was lured to a local park at night before being attacked. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

After Viktorija’s vicious murder, authorities tracked down her killer — the 17-year-old son of Iraqi migrants who had fled to the Netherlands. Despite damning circumstantial and physical evidence against him, Ayman Aziz denied all charges. However, the Wolverhampton Crown Court ultimately convicted the teen and sentenced him to serve life in prison with a minimum term of 19 years behind bars, according to the Daily Mail.

Even after receiving his sentence, Aziz expressed no remorse for his horrific crimes. Instead, just weeks after beginning his term, the teen began the lengthy and costly appeals process, hoping to drastically shorten his sentence. However, the most infuriating aspect of Aziz’s behavior came when his attorney unveiled a list of complaints the teen has concerning his new accommodations.

Ayman Aziz, 17, has complained that he is being “bullied and threatened” and cannot take his desired educational courses. (Photo Credit: West Midlands Police)

The Mirror reports that Aziz claims he is being “bullied and threatened” in the detention center, possibly in an effort to be granted an appeal. He explained that the bullying has caused him to miss educational classes, which he has the privilege of taking at the taxpayers’ expense.

His defense team also pointed to Aziz’s underprivileged childhood and mental instability, suggesting that he cannot be held fully responsible for the heinous crimes, according to the Express and Star. His pornography addiction was also cited as a contributing factor in the brutal rape and murder.

Mr Adam Kane QC, defending, maintained: “He was a very unwell, emotionally impoverished young man with a complex past full of poverty and neglect. The teenager had been seen walking naked around the streets and when arrested he was dishevelled and hearing voices.”

Ayman Aziz’s defense team has blamed his pornography and his mental illness for the attack. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

Just before her murder, Viktorija had been spiraling into a world of drugs, drinking, and skipping school. She was easily lured to her death through a series of Facebook messages, in which Aziz asked her to meet him at the park to “chill out” and smoke marijuana. Although friends warned her not to hang out with him, she ignored their sage advice.

It is believed that Aziz beat Viktorija in the head with a hammer at least 20 times, although the weapon has never been found. Several of her teeth were found nearby on the ground. Viktorija had undoubtedly suffered an excruciating end, as investigators confirmed that it took her about an hour to die from severe head injuries.

Viktorija Sokolova
Viktorija Sokolova had fallen into a life of drugs, drinking, and skipping school before her untimely death. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Although his parents came from Iraq, Aziz was reportedly born and raised in Holland. He was later diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and had been home-schooled since the age of 15. He was also under the care of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and was required to take medication for his mental illness but had refused.

As for Viktorija’s family, Karolina Valantiniene is utterly devastated by the loss of her “one and only” child. The girl’s step-father expressed only rage toward her killer, rejecting the notion that he should have any privilege in prison.

Her husband – Viktorija’s step father – Saidas Valantinas added: “I feel nothing but anger towards him. I think people like him should be kept in isolation.”

Viktorija Sokolova
Viktorija Sokolova’s family is enraged by the killer’s lack of remorse. (Photo Credit: Provided)

While a family grieves the loss of their only child, her killer whines about his accommodations, for which his victim’s parents are paying with their tax dollars. Still, he gets to go on living after remorselessly inflicting a gruesome and painful death upon their young daughter.

Although Aziz’s initial appeal was rejected, it’s likely that he’ll spend much of his time in prison filing subsequent appeals in an effort to obtain an early release. The sad reality is that Viktorija’s family will probably see their daughter’s murderer roaming the streets in less than two decades.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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