
Mom Offended By ‘Behaved Children’ Sign At Arby’s, Manager Disciplined

Just as she was about to enter an Arby’s with her toddler, a mom noticed a new sign posted on the door. However, once she read the eatery’s new rule concerning children, the mom had to rethink even bringing her young son into the restaurant.

Christine Hemsworth Mom Offended By Well-Behaved Children Sign At Arby Manager Gets Disciplined
Christine Hemsworth was about to walk into the Arby’s with her three children when she noticed the new sign. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

As dinnertime neared, Christine Hemsworth pulled into an Arby’s restaurant in Elk River, Minnesota. Alone with her two sons and daughter, the family walked towards the fast-food establishment and prepared to enter. Just then, she noticed a sign she had never seen before.

According to KARE-TV, the restaurant had placed a small yet noticeable sign on the door, which was directed toward all parents. To Hemsworth’s surprise, the “notice” put into question whether she should even walk inside the restaurant.

The sign read, “Notice: Only well behaved children who can keep their food on their trays and their bottoms on their seats are welcome. If you can’t do this you will be asked to leave. Thanks.”

“I was shocked to find a sign like that,” she said. “It is a fast food restaurant, it’s not something with white tablecloths. It’s supposed to be family-oriented as far as I knew.”

The sign warns that customers with disruptive children “will be asked to leave.” (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

As the mother of a rambunctious toddler, Hemsworth knew that her little boy wasn’t the exemplar as far as good behavior goes. She could easily envision him getting excited and causing a bit of a ruckus, as toddlers tend to do.

“I was like ‘oh gosh,'” Hemsworth said. “I’ve got a two-year-old with me and he doesn’t always keep his fries on the tray or his bottom on the seat. He sometimes stands up.”

Hemsworth understood the sign’s blunt message and had to make a quick decision. Should she turn around, pack up her kids, and find the next closest restaurant or chance an uncomfortable confrontation? In the end, she decided to walk inside. Fortunately, the meal went without incident but not without the mother constantly looking over her shoulder.

“It was kind of uncomfortable in the restaurant the time we were there,” Hemsworth said. “I have a toddler. I wasn’t sure if it was because they didn’t want to clean up messes. I always clean up my children’s mess anyways, but it was an uncomfortable and stressful meal.”

Christine Hemsworth Mom Offended By Well-Behaved Children Sign At Arby Manager Gets Disciplined
Although Christine Hemsworth was worried that she may get asked to leave, she and her children enjoyed their meals without incident. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

According to local residents, the Arby’s location may have printed out the sign in response to a series of incidents involving “unruly teenagers.” In fact, Elk River Police Department Chief Ron Nierenhausen confirmed that his officers have responded to four calls in the last year over “loud and obnoxious” youths.

Still, others pointed out that the sign is directed at the parents of every age of children and sets an unrealistic expectation, Yahoo! News reports.

“Yep. When I want to have a pleasant and quiet sit-down meal with my family, I immediately consider Arby’s,” one commenter sarcastically wrote.

“Expecting little children to be quiet is asking too much of them, especially when they are hangry,” another joked.

“How are children ever supposed to learn how to behave in restaurants, movie theatres, etc., if they are never allowed in these places,” one commenter wrote.

Arby’s has since apologized for the sign and confirmed that the manager and staff members were “disciplined” for posting it. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

After local media brought the sign to the public’s attention, Arby’s corporate office issued a statement explaining that the sign was in poor taste and has since been removed. The manager and the team have also been “disciplined.”

“We recognize the language on this sign was insensitive. We removed it quickly, and have disciplined the manager and team working at the restaurant. It does not reflect our company values and the family-friendly environment we aim to provide in all of our restaurants.”

When it comes to taking young children out in public, every parent knows that anything can and will happen. Although it’s not necessarily a pleasant experience, most people understand that little ones aren’t always able to control their behavior.

A Minnesota Arby’s found itself in hot water over a controversial sign on its door. (Photo Credit: Screenshot)

The Arby’s location sparked controversy with the sign on the entrance. While the message is loud and clear, whether or not it is appropriate has many people torn.

While people without children may see the sign as a welcome business decision, parents of young children likely believe that it’s too unreasonable. Whatever the case, if you don’t like the rules or the atmosphere of a restaurant, perhaps it’s best to dine elsewhere.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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