
Formerly Anorexic Girl Posts Photos To Show Off Her Gorgeous New Body

Pictures of a formerly anorexic woman’s major transformation are going viral after her story was posted on social media. After teetering on the brink of losing her battle, she managed to completely turn her life around – and you need to see what she looks like now.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Sarah Ramadan doesn’t recall how it all started. One moment, she was a child living without a care in the world, reaching for the stars and not knowing that failure existed. Then, everything changed. During her adolescent years, she realized that life wasn’t the fairy tale she believed it to be. She wanted to feel like she was in control of this ever-changing and unpredictable world.

In her desperation, Sarah began to struggle with anxiety and perfectionism. She started to set unrealistic expectations for herself and consequently felt disappointed. These unattainable standards hindered her self-confidence, causing her to feel like she would never be good enough. This internal conflict persisted and intensified until she met “Ed” — the name she gave to her eating disorder.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)

When Sarah was 14 years old, Ed suggested that she lose some weight. It would be a means of measuring her worth — numerical proof that she was strong, disciplined, and capable. Ed promised that she would finally feel like she was good enough and be happy. She started to lose some weight, but it was never enough. Her expectations escalated, and Ed’s whispers turned into screams.

Sarah continued to lose weight, hoping that one day she would finally meet Ed’s expectations. Her family and friends started expressing their concerns and told her that she had a problem. Her weight spiraled so low to the point where her legs could no longer support her skeletal stature. Sarah developed an irregular heartbeat, her organs were failing to function, and she couldn’t move without her vision going black.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Sarah was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and was rushed to the hospital for medical interventions. She spent a total of 7 months hospitalized in intensive treatment facilities. Sarah constantly fought back against the support from loved ones, the worries of her medical team, and the body she grew to hate. She didn’t believe in recovery, because she didn’t believe in herself.

After every discharge from the hospital, a relapse would follow. Despite how much support was given to Sarah, the only way she would truly heal is if she wanted to recover for herself. After her weight plummeted to the lowest it had ever been, Sarah had to make a choice that would change her life forever – either she ends Ed, or Ed ends her.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)
Sarah Ramadan before & after (Photo Credit: Instagram)

From that moment on, Sarah made a promise to unapologetically embrace who she is, all while negating the illness that will never be in control again. She sought help from the greatest role model in her life – her brother Aladdin. He was a bodybuilder, and his devotion to health and fitness was the key to her recovery. His strength, however, extended beyond the gym.

Aladdin empowered his life through love, and he earnestly shared his passion with everyone he knew. He was an athlete, a mentor, a brother, and her best friend. Through diligent and undeterred efforts, Sarah slowly started gaining weight. They established a meal plan together, and he monitored her progress every week.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan (Photo Credit: Instagram)
Sarah Ramadan (Photo Credit: Instagram)

In addition to the dietary goals, Aladdin introduced Sarah to the gym. She entered the gym, not for slimming intentions, but rather to test the limits that she was deceived into believing for far too long. Sarah started to train so that she could feel strong in her own body, no longer having to rely on the eating disorder for a sense of accomplishment and strength.

Sarah began to disassociate food with evil implications and saw it as the fuel and nourishment that allowed her to grow past Ed’s undermining restraints. With every bite and step she took, Aladdin led the way, reassuring and reminding Sarah every day of her capabilities. Through his encouragement, she embraced life with sincere gratitude. Aladdin saw her worth, and through him, she finally saw it too.

Sarah Ramadan
Sarah Ramadan (Photo Credit: Instagram)
Sarah Ramadan (Photo Credit: Instagram)

There are still days when Sarah struggles, and there are still times when giving up seems to be the only option she has. In those weary moments, she remembers her reasons to fight. This level of self-love has brought Sarah where she is today, healthier than she’s ever been and stronger than she’s ever felt. She ditched the disorder and embraced who she is, and that has made all the difference in her life.

Sarah’s strength is no longer undermined – it is magnified. Her story doesn’t depict a loss, rather it highlights what she has gained. Through overcoming adversities and struggles, Sarah is stronger and healthier. She gained weight, but most importantly, she gained life.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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