
Flight Attendant Shares Upset Passenger’s Note. Is It Funny Or Offensive?

After a flight attendant chose to share a disgruntled passenger’s note, people couldn’t decide if it was funny or not. While some found humor in it, others felt something else entirely.

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According to a post on Imgur and Reddit by “Garwee20,” the social media user’s mother, who allegedly works as a flight attendant, was handed quite the message, scribbled on a napkin. After reading it, they decided to share a picture of the note online. It quickly went viral, amassing millions of views in a matter of hours and kicking up a bit of a stink — no pun intended.

The handwritten note, which was allegedly handed to the flight attendant by an unhappy passenger, quickly divided viewers. While some social media users found the message containing some strong, choice words hilarious, others weren’t so amused. Instead, they found it quite offensive and downright distasteful. So, be forewarned, you might not like the language either.

Flight Attendant Shares Disgruntled Passenger Note Funny Or Offensive
An upset passenger allegedly scribbled this note on a napkin and handed it to the flight attendant. (Photo Credit: Imgur)

“My flight attendant mom got this napkin from an upset passenger,” the post was captioned, featuring a photo of the note, which read, “I don’t know if you can make an announcement, but if you can you should say that whoever is farting in the area of rows 10 to 12 should definitely see a doctor because they might have a** cancer.”

Apparently, the person who penned the note was disgusted by the noxious fumes filling the passenger cabin, which they assumed were coming from a flatulence-suffering flier. One can only imagine their turmoil, being trapped in an airtight, crowded cabin with a fellow rider who had a not-so-airtight behind.

Flight Attendant Shares Disgruntled Passenger Note Funny Or Offensive
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Fed-up with whoever was breaking wind, the note writer suggested the attendant make an announcement asking the guilty party to knock it off. They even went so far as to suggest the person responsible for the horrid smell seek medical attention for a possible troubling condition that could be causing the unbearably rancid gas.

Although it was presumably meant as a joke, some didn’t find it funny at all and decided to raise a stink of their own. “I have IBS, confirmed, and it would be completely humiliating to have this announcement read. I once got a kidney infection holding it in,” one such social media user wrote, Mirror reported. We’re not quite sure how holding in a fart leads to a kidney infection, but we’ll take their word for it.

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Others, of course, found the note hilarious. “This made more air rush out of my nose than normal,” one amused viewer wrote as another joked, “Somebody crack a window!” And, yet another remarked, “I needed a good laugh. Thank you.” Plenty of others shared their rancid-gas-on-a-plane horror stories as well, such as the one below:

One time I was on a flight to Hawaii with my sisters and I farted one of the worst smelling farts I’ve ever had but it kinda just drifted behind us and into the seats of this old couple and they freaked out and started yelling things like “oh my God what is that horrible smell!” and “who could do that” and started blaming the people around me like the sleeping lady with her headphones in and I swear I have never tried so hard to not laugh extremely loudly in my life… I thought I was going to explode or pee my pants and my sisters were both almost crying from laughing so hard. I held in the rest of my farts after that but holy sh*t was that a funny flight.

“Did she make the announcement?” another wanted to know. Of course, it’s doubtful the announcement was made, but plenty of commentators had their own stinky flying experiences to share, keeping the post entertaining:

My family, which includes myself, my husband, and our three kids, 8yrs, 3yrs, 20months, were flying home after Christmas. Once in the air, the flight attendants brought by drinks and the lady that was helping us very gently mentioned that there were changing tables in the bathrooms. My husband and I were like, “yeah… we heard that announcement.” She then offered us a plastic bag to put his diaper in. At this point, though I already knew he hadn’t pooped, I checked his diaper and said, “Sorry, but that smell isn’t coming from our child.” It was funny and a little embarrassing, and she apologized. Not sure who the stink factory was in our section, but for once, it wasn’t the toddler.

Flight Attendant Shares Disgruntled Passenger Note Funny Or Offensive
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The vast majority of responses expressed amusement and relatable experiences, but there are those who don’t think it’s a laughing matter since there are legitimate health conditions that can lead to embarrassing gas. We can agree that the note was not as tactful as it could have been, but it was so over the top that it seems the writer never intended for the attendant to take it seriously. Instead, they decided to share a laugh.

Perhaps those who might be offended should do what the gas-passing passenger should have done and excuse themselves. No one enjoys being trapped in a small, confined space in close proximity to others with no ventilation while someone freely relieves themselves of gas. That’s literally offensive to the senses, and there is a bathroom. If you share your noxious fumes — purposefully or accidentally — just be prepared for others to share their thoughts on the matter.

Source: Tap Worthy Happenings

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