
Counselling Couples | Men Allege Too Much Interference By Wife’s Family; Demand For Separate Residence

Police stations are used to getting cases women alleging mental and physical torture, rape, dowry, and cases
where relationships go wrong. However, as per a recent news report from Bihar, police authorities have been witnessing more complaints by both men and women related to divorce and extra marital relationships of either partners.


In the past one and a half years, there have been 1030 cases registered at the Mahila police station, out of which, nearly 436 complaints i.e. around 43 per cent women have approached police station alleging infidelity by their husbands. As per the report, women are lodging complaints against husbands on mere suspicion of their affairs.

However, when husbands are counselled, shockingly most of them allege dispute between the couple due to interference of wife’s family in the marriage.


  • A couple got married in 2017. However, within the second year of their marriage, their relationship soured and they reached the police station. The wife approached cops filing a complaint against her husband stating that he had cheated on her with another woman. Adding further, she also alleged that the man was dating someone else and splurging money on that woman. After receiving the said complaint, an attempt was made by the police to reunite the couple together, however, the wife said that she did not want to live with her husband henceforth.


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  • In another case, a mother wanted to seek justice for her daughter, where she claimed to be fighting for her rights since one year. The woman was married to a man wherein both the families spent a lot of money. Nevertheless, just after six-months into the marriage, wife reported a case against husband alleging adultery. In her complaint, the woman stated that she was assaulted by the man on confronting him and thus did not want to live with him any further.

Complaints By Wives

Some of the common complaints that wives report about their husbands are that they drag their maternal families in between their fights and taunt them. Women also allege that men tend to listen to their family a lot, while ignoring what the wives suggest. Another frequent complaint is different set of rules for wives and husband’s sisters.

Complaints By Husbands

Men too equally have their share of complaints where they allege how their wives pressurise them to stay away from their parents. Moreover, men say that wives start demanding separate residence as soon as they enter the marital home after wedding.

The husbands also allege that their wives tend to be suspicious of them in everything and threaten to leave the house on trivial issues.

Counselling Couples

On an average, Women police stations receive about three to four complaints daily. Out of which, 35% of the couples are well-educated. However, according to the report, it is most difficult to counsel highly educated couples, while the less educated ones are willing to compromise and live together.

The primary reason for such quarrels between couples is because they are not ready to listen to each other. Moreover, their suspicions lead to denting the relationships further.

Having said the above, many relationships are saved from drifting apart due to counselling.


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Source: Mens Day Out

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