Kannada actor Ragini Dwivedi who has been taken into custody by police for questioning in the Sandalwood drugs scandal allegedly tried to “hoodwink” Central Crime Branch (CCB) sleuths by mixing water in her urine sample that she was asked to give as part of a drug test.
On September 4, Dwivedi was the first mainstream actor who was arrested in the drugs scandal in Karnataka. When she was asked to give her urine sample, she had allegedly mixed water with urine and gave it to the doctors at the KC General Hospital in Malleswaram.
A CCB officer who is a part of the ongoing investigation informed that even though the actor ‘cheated’, the doctors were still able to distinguish water being in the sample and called out her bluff.
One can detect consumption of narcotics through the urine test even after few days have passed. By adding water to the urine, it will decrease its temperature and will become approximately equal to the temperature of the body.
The doctors, on the other hand, asked Ragini to drink some more water and give another urine sample. And this time, the CCB ensured she hadn’t mix water in it. Calling out the actor’s behaviour as “shameful and “unfortunate”, the officer seeked extension of her police custody in front of the magistrate.
The judge has allowed the police an extension of three days to keep Dwivedi in custody for questioning.
Ragini had acquired drugs from her close friend B K Ravi Shankar, however, CCB believes she has procured it from somebody else as well. It has been alleged that an African citizen named Simon delivered MDMA pills to her at her Yelahanka residence.
Dwivedi’s WhatsApp messages have also been checked by the CCB. They mentioned that Ragini has allegedly messaged Simon,
Please send me one more gram.
A senior CCB officer said they were searching for Simon.
According to CCB sources, Ragini threw tantrums to take the drug test, as she was scared of going to jail. She also stated that her life had already been “ruined.” She asked police to send the court order (on the drug test) to her lawyer.
After speaking to her lawyer, the actor finally decided to take the test. However, Ragini is not the only actress who was hesitant to take a drug test.
In fact, before her, another well-known actor of the Kannada industry, Sanjjanaa Galrani too refused the test when she was asked for her blood samples. In a video, Sanjjana said,
I have lost trust in the police. I don’t know why I have been arrested. I asked you with folded hands, you are not telling me the reason. Even if I give blood tests, I don’t trust that the blood will be mine. My lawyers told me to say ‘no’. It’s my fundamental right to say no.
Nobody can force me to give blood samples. You people have tricked me into coming here. There is no evidence against me, I didn’t do anything wrong. Just because we spoke to each other over the phone doesn’t mean that I am involved in the crime.
Meanwhile Ragini’s test result is awaited.
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Source: Mens Day Out