The Punjab and Haryana High court on Monday has levied a fine of Rs 1 lakh on a staff nurse for filing a completely frivolous petition in an alleged sexual harassment case. The court ordered the officer to retrieve the amount from the nurse’s salary in three installments.
The nurse had moved the High Court against the Union of India. She had also moved court against the other respondents for setting aside a report of an internal complaint filed under the Sexual harassment of women at the workplace, which is as per Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal Act, 2013.
The woman, working as a nurse at an ESIC Model Hospital in Chandigarh argued before the single-bench of Justice Ramendra Jain through a video conferencing court session. Her counsel informed the court that three out of five members of the internal complaint committee, who conducted a detailed inquiry in the sexual harassment complaint, appeared as defense witnesses and teamed up with the “delinquent doctor”.
Her counsel also argued that the committee of internal inquiry, plotting with the “delinquent doctor” and another doctor, had demolished the CCTV footage of the incident. Hence, the alleged victim termed the inquiry report submitted by them as “biased and illegal”. The counsel also stated that the inquiry was unfair as the petitioner did not join in the proceedings.
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Appearing for the Union of India and other respondents, senior advocate Satya Pal Jain and Sai Geeta Srivastava submitted that they were not a necessary party and had been illegally impleaded. Justice Jain in his order quoted,
The court found the instant petition to be completely frivolous to blackmail the system and superiors under whom the petitioner works.
There were five members in the internal complaint committee as mentioned, out of which, two were doctors, one was deputy nursing staff, and lastly, one was an advocate with a degree of doctorate. Justice Jain further added that accusation against three members who appeared as defense were baseless. He said,
Their conduct does not by itself amount to favoring the alleged delinquent doctor.
The petitioner being an arrogant worker wanted to create a fear psychosis in the mind of their superiors through the petition. It could not be permitted as the report was given by a committee comprising three doctors, two belonging to the medical profession, and one legal expert.
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Lastly, in a rare order of sorts, the court ordered the nurse to pay Rs 1 lakh. The order read,
The instant petition stands dismissed with exemplary cost of Rs 1 lakh and the court is adjourned.
Filing false cases for settling scores or blackmailing men has become extremely rampant, solely because there is barely any fear of law in the mind of a false accuser. In another case reported from the state of Haryana, a woman has been arrested for blackmailing Fatehabad Police officer.
The woman was nabbed by the local police on July 26, and subsequently arrested in Fatehabad district while she was allegedly extorting Rs 50,000, by blackmailing a police officer. The married woman who hailed from Tohana town in Fatehabad district was found with two blank cheques and cash on Sunday.
Yadavindra Singh, Station House Officer (SHO), Fatehabad city, informed that the woman, Pinki, met with the cop in the district court complex about a year and a half ago. Thereafter, the two kept in touch and also had physical relations. However, later the woman started blackmailing the cop by threatening to implicate him in a false case of rape.
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According to the SHO, the cop gave the accused woman, four blank cheques as he was scared by her threats. She then encashed two cheques amounting to Rs 2 lakh and deposited the money into her account. Thereafter, she was further demanding Rs 2 lakh more from the cop since the past few days. The cop gave her Rs 50,000 again on Saturday. However, he called the woman near MM college in Fatehabad to receive the balance amount the next day.
This is when the police team, on receiving complaint, arrested the woman red-handed while taking money from the cop. The money and two unused cheques were also recovered following her interrogation.
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Source: Mens Day Out