A woman from Hrishikesh, Uttarakhand killed her husband with the help of her lover and hid his body in the bathroom. On Sunday, July 26, Hrishikesh I.D.P.L. police solved the case where the wife and her paramour were found guilty for murdering the man (the husband). Not only did they commit the murder, but also hid his body under the toilet seat.
The deceased has been identified as Narendra Rathi (40). He was a taxi driver and a resident of Bapugram Lane No. 9 in Hrishikesh. The police arrested the wife and her lover based on the evidences collected after the murder. Narendra was missing since July 2. A week later, on July 10, his mother Kusum Devi approached police and reported a missing complaint for her son. She informed the police that her son, who was a taxi driver, lived with her daughter-in-law in their Bapugram home.
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The police while investigating the case, called Pooja Rathi, wife of the deceased for interrogation. While she answered all the questions asked to her by the police, she kept struggling with her counter replies. This made police suspicious of her acts and hence they started investigating her mobile phone records.
Inspector in-charge of the police station, Ritesh Shah said that the number from which the call was made, was of Narendra Rathi. After this, examination of the IME of the mobile revealed that three SIMs were used in the mobile.
Accused Pooja admitted to her crime in a police interrogation on Saturday, July 25, that she had murdered her husband with the help of her boyfriend, Aman Kumar at their residence of Bapugram on the night of July 1. The duo had jointly planned to eliminate the husband, for which, Aman had also uprooted the seat of the toilet in Pooja’s house and dug a pit that was five feet deep.
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Aman visited Pooja’s home before Narendra arrived in evening, and hid himself in the house to strike later. Narendra was drunk when he returned and his wife fed him an omelet. After eating the same, Narendra fainted and soon after Aman attacked him.
Pooja too got hurt in the process, however, she held Narendra’s legs, while Aman strangled him leading to Narendra’s death. Later, the wife and her lover put the husband’s body in the pit that they already dug in the toilet, placed the seat back on it, and laid tiles around the same.
SP Rural Padmendra Dobal, Deputy Superintendent of Police Bhupendra Dhoni, and the police team reached the spot, broke open the floor of the toilet and recovered Narendra’s body. The wife and her paramour have been arrested.
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Source: Mens Day Out