According to a January 2020 report from Madhya Pradesh, a 19-year-old female tutor had been held for sexual assault on her minor students. The lady tuition teacher was booked for her illicit acts conducted along with her boyfriend.
The couple had been sexually assaulting two minor girls of three and six years of age. It is only when one of them recently complained of pain in her private parts, the parents learnt about this horrific act. The accused woman who belonged to Mhow in Madhya Pradesh had been booked on charges of sexual assault.
The report noted that the lady teacher used to undress the two minor girls, who happened to be her students, and insert pencils in their private parts. Thereafter, she used to send videos of the same to her boyfriend. The man too has been nabbed and booked accordingly. The case came to light when one of the younger girls of the two complained to her mother of pain in her private part after returning from tuitions. This made the mother anxious and worried after which she started inquiring about the same in detail. Her daughter then revealed that the female teacher had inserted a pencil in her private parts, due to which she was in pain.
The incident was shocking for the mother, and later she also enquired about the same with her elder daughter. When the other girl too confirmed the same, the parents immediately rushed and filed a case against the accused couple. The parents went to the tutor’s place and even beat her up before handing her over to the police.
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Police station in-charge of Mhow, Abhay Nema told TOI, that the girls briefed them how the teacher would undress them and record videos of inserting pencils in their private parts. However, later she would make them dress up and resume her teaching work as soon as the girls would shout in pain. The tuition teacher was booked under the relevant IPC and POCSO Act. As the investigation progressed, the tutor’s boyfriend was also arrested from a nearby locality, since he was an accomplice in the crime by receiving those videos from the lady teacher.
In another similar story reported in November 2019, Chennai police had arrested a 28-year-old woman named Sanjana and her 38-year-old boyfriend Balaji — also a teacher — under the POCSO Act. The police reported that the duo would encourage students to get intimate with other students and then record their videos, only to blackmail them later.
Sanjana lived in the house opposite to that of Balaji and he would often visit her as she gave tuitions to children. The case unfolded when a 14-year-old girl, one of the victims, complained about the same, after which her family filed a case, thereby leading to their arrest on November 6, 2019.
According to the complaint, Sanjana was taking classes for students from classes 10-12. The minor student was attending classes when Balaji came to the tuition teacher’s house and befriended her. He had allegedly sexually abused her in the teacher’s house in the previous month and warned her against informing anyone. The investigating officer then said,
But the girl went and told the tuition teacher what happened. On hearing this, the teacher who is already married took the side of her boyfriend and began to blackmail the girl. They forced the girl to bring money and jewels from her house and threatened to tell her parents that she was sexually active if she didn’t give in to their demands.
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The entire episode only came to parents’ attention before Diwali last year. The girl’s parents found money missing from their residence and when they asked their daughter, she revealed the sexual abuse and threats that had followed. The officer had also quoted,
The tuition teacher was in cahoots with Balaji and helped him exploit the girl. They have both been arrested under the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act.
As reported by The News Minute, multiple reports suggested that Balaji and Sanjana had victimised many more children by videographing them while they abused them or by making the students indulge in sexual activities and taking videos of them. The police however denied the allegations.
In yet another incident reported from Tamil Nadu in March 2019, a 30-year-old female government school teacher had been arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a minor schoolboy. The case came to the fore when the husband of the school teacher allegedly found intimate pictures and videos of the student in her
mobile phone.
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The female school teacher, U Nitya, — who taught English as her subject — used to take tuition classes for the minor boy at his residence. While she used to visit his home, she allegedly assaulted him and recorded videos of her acts. According to the police, when her husband found intimate pictures and videos of her acts in her mobile phone, he confronted her, which led to a major fight between the couple.
Despite husband’s warnings, Nitya was stubborn and continued her physical relationship with the minor, following which he filed a petition with the District Collector’s office. Later, the woman admitted her charges in front of the Tiruvannamalai District Child Protection Unit (DCPU). She was arrested by Arni all-women police station officials on March 21, 2019.
Incidentally, Nitya’s husband also alleged that he was turned down by police when he tried to make a similar complaint against his wife in 2018, stating that only DCPU or victim’s parents could do so. The POCSO Act, however, allows anyone to file a complaint. The man later petitioned the collector who instructed DCPU to investigate.
Sadly, we never saw national outrage on all these cases, because the perpetrators of these heinous crimes — such as sexual assault on children — were women. Crime Has No Gender!
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Source: Mens Day Out