
These Are the New Features in elementary OS 5.1.5

elementary 5.1.5 comes with a series of welcome improvements for the AppCenter and Files, but of course, as it happens with every release, there’s more to discover after installing it.

As far as the AppCenter is concerned, there’s one major change here: users no longer require administrator rights to install updates.

And while some may think that this isn’t the right way to go from a security perspective, the whole thing actually makes sense because administrators must already approve the installation of apps by standard users. So technically, once a user has already been granted with the permission of installing an app, why not letting them update that app as well?

This is the reasoning behind the change, as elementary co-founder Cassidy James Blaede himself explains.

“Since an administrator had to approve the original installation and we provide clear expectations around curated versus non-cura... (read more)

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