
How China’s Media, Which Masked Crucial COVID Data, Is Covering The Floyd Protests

By Sydney Shea -

Chinese state media is using the George Floyd protests as an opportunity to attack the United States.

“Racism in the US has victimized many blacks, Asians, and other minorities, and the feeling of white supremacy has become more obvious,” reads an article published by People’s Daily, which has been accused of being a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

The article blamed President Donald Trump for an increase in white supremacist activity and racism in the United States.

“Discrimination, hate, and injustice are widely felt” in America, the article stated.

The People’s Daily article isn’t the only attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to attack the United States.

“Black lives matter and their human rights should be guaranteed,” said Zhao Lijian, the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Lijian sparked controversy when he falsely claimed that Centers For Disease Control official Robert Redfield was arrested in March. Lijian also pushed the conspiracy theory that the U.S. military was responsible for the outbreak of COVID-19 in China’s Wuhan Province.

Video of Lijian’s statement on the Floyd protests was posted to China Global Television Network’s official Twitter account. CGTN is alleged to be another mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

CGTN’s coverage of the Floyd protests emphasized chaotic images of clashes between police and protesters.

Despite calls of “Black Lives Matter” from Chinese officials and media outlets, the Chinese government was accused of racial discrimination in April when harsh restrictions were imposed on its African residents to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Chinese government has been accused of covering up the actual number of deaths and cases of COVID-19 in the country.

China’s government has also been accused of violently quelling protests in Hong Kong. Hong Kong officials have also rejected an application for an annual candlelight vigil held in Hong Kong in commemoration of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, reported The Wall Street Journal.

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