
I stopped following all my friends on Instagram — and it actually made me like social media again

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A friend of mine recently sent me a screenshot of an acquaintance’s most recent Instagram post. It was a selfie of the woman and her husband on vacation with an over-the-top, super-gushy caption — something to the effect of, "Can’t believe I get to spend every vacation for the rest of my life with this guy!"

My friend wasn’t showing me the snap to share her acquaintance’s happiness. Instead, she was lamenting the odd practices of social media PDA and our generation’s tendency to seek off-the-grid vacations … and then publish album after album of photos afterward for social media validation. This woman was interesting, smart, and funny in real life, my friend said. Why were her Instagram posts so inauthentic and annoying — not to mention frequent?

I’ve felt the same way about my friends’, family members’, and acquaintances Instagram posts. While some millennials complain about influencer culture being fake, I find myself more irked by social media posts belonging to the people I know and love in real life.

My issue with the Instagram accounts of people I know is not fear of missing out. It’s frustration with the fact that the people I love so much in real life either can’t or don’t want to be themselves online.

FOMO isn’t (always) the problem.

Checking phoneInstagram has been linked to worsening mental health among young people and adults alike. This is usually chalked up to feelings of FOMO, or fear of missing out. The theory is that when we check Instagram, we’re seeing the best version of someone else’s life and it makes us feel inadequate.

I’d like to posit that FOMO isn’t always the cause of social media frustration. For me, Instagram is frustrating because the people I know and love offline can’t seem to be themselves on the platform.

When I first realized the people I cherish in real life are the ones who annoy me most on social media, I was concerned. Was I being a social media snob? But then I realized I wouldn’t be surprised or offended if my friends had the same complaints about my posts. I have no idea if my online persona matches the person I really am — and this is the crux of why I try not to look at the Instagram posts of people I know in real life anymore.

Passing on my friends’ social media posts has made me like Instagram again.

girl taking picture phone selfie photo hat skirt coachellaEarlier this year, I was laid off from my job at a media company. After having spent the last six years of my life devouring social media 24/7 for professional reasons (and probably a full 10 or 12 years using social media for leisure), I decided a break was in order. I had my mom change my passwords for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and asked her not to give me the new passwords until a week had elapsed.

I expected to go through intense social media withdrawals. After all, I’d become addicted to checking social within ten minutes of waking up in the morning and continually throughout the day. But my week without Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter was one of the best weeks in my adult life. I felt like my brain belonged fully to me instead of functioning as if it were hooked into the internet’s hive mind for the first time in years.

But after the week elapsed, I needed to start applying for work once again. Because my entire work experience is in digital journalism, a lifetime ban from social media was untenable. I’ve since returned to using social media, with a few tweaks in my usage habits. And the best one has been to create a separate Instagram account where I follow precisely zero people I know in real life.

If you’d told me back in 2006 that this would be my favorite way to use social, I wouldn’t have believed you. My earliest social media experiences were on MySpace and Facebook. Facebook, in particular, was an insular platform designed to help users stay in touch with people they knew in real life, or people from their college, with the expectation that they’d probably meet at some point. In the early days of Facebook, it was considered creepy to be friends with someone you didn’t actually know.

After all, when I joined in 2006, you actually needed a university email address to get an account. Today, anyone can join. But Facebook was and remains a largely influencer-free space. At this point, Facebook seems to have replaced your local newspaper’s classified section, as well as its birth, death, and marriage announcements (to the detriment of newsrooms everywhere — but that’s another story.

Fast forward from 2006 to 2018, and after my week-long social media cleanse, I find myself avoiding Facebook like the plague. The constant stream of other people’s milestones doesn’t bum me out, it’s just boring. If someone I care about is getting married, I’m usually at the wedding.

Instagram, on the other hand, is a much more dynamic platform with interesting content being created by people I don’t know, to appeal to followers who aren’t in their social circle. If Facebook replaced local newspapers, Instagram has replaced traditional print magazines. It’s where I go for product recommendations, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle inspiration, and good, old-fashioned, stunning images.

Why finstas might be the way forward.

donut selfie

When I made my triumphant return to social media post-cleanse, I ended up creating a finsta, or a "fake Instagram" that has no visible clues that it’s mine. I use it exclusively to follow my lifestyle accounts. My finsta feed contains photos of food, travel, fashion, and yoga instructors posing in far-flung locales. It’s pure visual inspiration. Some of the accounts I follow are so "woo-woo" and new-agey, I’d be embarrassed to follow them on my rinsta, or real account. My finsta is a world that has nothing to do with my real life, and it’s now the first thing I check when I wake up in the morning.

Striking a balance between fantasy and reality.


All of this brings me to my original point: my current Instagram experience is devoid of the complex emotions that arise when I look at my acquaintances’, friends’, and family members’ false internet identities.

I still post photos to my regular account and check it occasionally. And I frequently check the Instagram Stories of people I know in real life. I find that people act more like themselves on their Stories, a reality that’s reflected in plenty of memes.

But I’ve realized negative emotions are most likely to arise when I see, say, a girl I went to college with pretending she’s a wholesome mommy-blogger instead of the flawed, hilarious human I know her to be in real life. She might show her real personality in her Instagram Story. But it will usually never show up, preserved for posterity (or until she decides to archive it), in her Feed.

Back when I only used one Instagram account, the posts I followed for fantasy reasons — celebrity fashion, food bloggers, fitness fanatics, etc. — were mixed in with the people I know in real life. This created a weird dissonance, as it should have! Imagine thumbing through a magazine and, every few pages, finding a random picture of one of your friends pretending to be something she’s not. The first few times, it would be exciting to see your besties among the mix of celebrities and entertainers. But after a while, you might become confused about who your friends really were.

So for the time being, I’ll stick to checking my finsta and my friends’ off-the-cuff Instagram Stories instead of their feeds. It’s nothing personal — and I like it that way.

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SEE ALSO: 11 ways people caught their partners cheating on the internet

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