
Frequent travelers often experience 'reverse culture shock' — here's what that is and how to deal with it

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  • Reverse culture shock occurs when you return home after immersing yourself in a different culture.
  • Symptoms can range from boredom to isolation.
  • Adjusting back to your routine at home can be extremely difficult.
  • If the feelings don't go away, speaking to a psychologist may be helpful.

If you've traveled anywhere outside your country, odds are you've experienced culture shock. The phenomenon is widely discussed, but what about when you return home after being abroad for some time?

The adjustment to being back can be just as extreme, if not more so, but is rarely discussed. So, what is reverse culture shock?

The United States Department of State defines reverse culture shock as, "the psychological, emotional and cultural aspects of reentry." Basically all those weird feelings you feel when returning home when traveling for a good chunk of time.

Here's how you can tell if you're experiencing reverse culture shock.

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Chances are you've experienced reverse culture shock without even realizing it. Have you noticed feeling disoriented, a bit dissociated, or isolated after coming home from a trip?

While visiting somewhere for just a few days may not affect you, most out of country trips are going to be long enough that, if you immerse yourself in the host country's culture, coming back home will result in reverse culture shock.

According to the University Studies Abroad Consortium, symptoms of reverse culture shock can include frustration, boredom, restlessness, changes in goals and priorities, depression, and negative feelings towards your home country. On top of that you may actually become homesick for the place you had been, a strange feeling to experience considering you are technically home.

Dean Foster, founder and president of DFA Intercultural Global Solutions, which focuses on intercultural training explained why reverse culture shock can be so difficult to prepare for in a post for Expatica.

"Reverse culture shock is experienced when returning to a place that one expects to be home but actually is no longer, is far more subtle, and therefore, more difficult to manage than outbound shock precisely because it is unexpected and unanticipated," Foster said.

It can affect anyone at anytime and manifests in a myriad of ways.

I've dealt with reverse culture shock a few times. 

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My junior year of college I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. Before arriving I mentally prepared for how different it would be to live in a country that spoke another language and had a culture that was, in many ways, quite dissimilar to my own.

Adjusting took time, but that was to be expected. What I couldn't have prepared for was how it would feel to go back home. I traveled back to New York for the holidays, excited to be going back for some time. It was on the air train out of JFK that I first experienced reverse culture shock.

After spending four months hearing strangers speak other languages, in Italy as well as in the countries I'd traveled to, I was dumbstruck to hear everyone around me speaking English. Something that I had experienced my whole life suddenly sounded so strange. In fact, I remember thinking how friendly everyone was, being able to understand every word said when spoken to.

At the end of the school year, when I eventually came back to America for good, I wasn't as overwhelmed by the language, but struggled more with changing my routine and adapting back to the culture and customs of home. So many things were different — even simple things, like eating dinner earlier to or going to huge supermarkets.

You can lessen the effects of reverse culture shock.

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While dealing with reverse culture shock may be inevitable, the degree to which it effects you can change. Preparing yourself for reentry, especially if you've been traveling for an extended period of time, can make a huge difference.

Barends Psychology Practice recommends reaching out to your local friends and family to let them know you're coming home soon, scheduling a time to see them. On the flip side, make sure to have closure with the place you've been. From saying goodbye to any friends you made to visiting your favorite spots, having real closure can allow you to feel satisfied with your experience.

Another thing to avoid doing is comparing everything at home to where you've visited. Barends Psychology Practice warns that it's easy to compare the worst parts of being home with the best parts of being abroad. While it's easy for these thoughts to slip into your mind, in the end they will only make you feel sad about being back.

It's important to understand that while your way of thinking and goals may have changed, those around you have not had the experiences you've had. They are happy at home and living and traveling abroad may not be the right choice for them. Remind yourself that everyone is different and what makes you happy may not be what makes them happy.

While you may wish that your friends and family understand how you feel, if they haven't experience reverse culture shock themselves, it may be hard for them to know what you're going through.

If your feelings of reverse culture shock don't fade over time, it may be helpful to see a psychologist to talk about how your feeling. It's a completely normal thing to be feeling and should be dealt with in whatever way is best for you, that is until you travel again.

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