
Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins rips 'bully' Jerry Jones for demanding Cowboys players stand for the anthem

Malcolm Jenkins

  • Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins called out Jerry Jones as a "bully" after the Cowboys owner announced that he would force his players to stand for the national anthem.
  • Jenkins has long been an advocate for players that choose to protest police violence and racial injustice during the national anthem and raised his fist throughout 2017 as the song played.
  • Jenkins also called on other owners to speak up in support of the players' right to protest, as Jones going unchallenged implies that he's speaking for all of them.

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins had some strong words for Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones regarding his rules requiring players to stand for the national anthem.

The comments came when Jenkins was asked about Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie.

"He's been very supportive of us from the beginning," Jenkins said of the Eagles owner. "I don't see Jeffrey as a bully like Jerry Jones is. Lucky for me I don't play for the Cowboys, nor would I want to."

He continued:

"It's unfortunate that you have owners like him that use his position to intimidate and intentionally thwart even the idea of players thinking individually or having a voice about issues that affect their communities daily. It's unfortunate. But for them, hopefully, you'll have guys challenge that, and they'll have my full support."

At the Cowboys opening news conference on Wednesday, Jones outlined his team's policy regarding the ongoing protests of police violence that players have taken part in during the national anthem. "As far as the Dallas Cowboys, you know where I stand, the team knows where I stand. Our policy is you stand during the anthem, toe on the line," Jones said.

Jones' comments came just a week after the league-wide policy regarding the national anthem was put on hold after the AP reported that the Miami Dolphins would include protests during the anthem as "conduct detrimental to the club," making them potentially punishable through fines or suspension.

Jenkins stood with a raised fist during the anthem throughout the 2017 season. He has also been a regular advocate for other players protesting, and on Friday once again admonished owners who muddied the waters regarding the issues players are protesting — police violence and racial inequality in the justice system.

"They know more than anybody that it's not about the flag, it’s not about the anthem. They've been right along with us. They met with police along with us, we invited them to our events, they've seen our meetings with community activists. They know it has nothing to do with the military," Jenkins said. "The fact that they continue that rhetoric further divides this league and further divide players and owners and even our country. It continues to push that narrative that’s frankly not true."

Jenkins also brought up the need for other owners to loudly voice their support for the players, as Jones' voice is currently the only one in the room.

"The one thing, is when you have owners like Jerry Jones who speak so strongly and has drawn his line in the sand and has been very vocal about it and you’ve had other owners be very quiet, well Jerry Jones is now the voice of NFL ownership," Jenkins said. "So unless you have other owners come out with some definitive statements in support, they’re going to allow Jerry Jones to push the narrative for not only NFL owners but the NFL as a whole."

You can watch a clip of Jenkins' comments below.


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