
17 of the most notorious female serial killers

rosemary west

Although female serial killers are thought to be less common than male serial killers, they certainly exist.

They're also just as brutal as the men.

From the "Little Old Lady Killer" to the "soap maker of Correggio," these are some of the most prolific and horrifying female serial killers throughout history.

Editor's note: A warning some of these accounts feature graphic depictions of violence, sexual abuse, and murder.

SEE ALSO: 50 horrifying serial killers from each state

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Aileen Wuornos

Aileen Wuornos, who was working as a sex worker, was convicted and executed for the murders of six different men between December 1989 to November 1990. She confessed to shooting men who picked her up hitchhiking in self-defense after she claimed they beat or raped her, a claim that she later recanted.

Wuornos was sentenced to death in 1992 and was executed by lethal injection on October 9, 2002. Her story was portrayed in the film "Monster," with Charlize Theron playing Wuornos.

Judy Buenoano

Judy Buenoano was known as the "Black Widow" and was executed in the electric chair in 1998. She had been convicted of poisoning her husband with arsenic, drowning her son who was partially paralyzed (who began needing leg braces after showing signs of arsenic poisoning), and attempting to kill her fiancé with a car bomb.

The motive appeared to be insurance money, as she received around $240,000 for the deaths of her husband, son, and a former boyfriend. Although Buenoano never admitted to any of the killings, she was nevertheless the first woman to be executed in the state of Florida since 1848.

Juana Barraza

Juana Barraza was dubbed the "Mataviejitas," or "Little Old Lady Killer" after 16 elderly women were found strangled to death in Mexico City in 2005. According to The Guardian, forensic profilers believe Barraza’s killings were to release the rage she had towards her own alcoholic mother, who gave her away at age 12 to a man who abused her.

She used objects such as phone cables, tights, or her stethoscope to strangle her victims. She became one of Mexico’s most prolific serial killers and was eventually sentenced to 759 years in prison for 16 counts of murder. She is still in prison today.

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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