
16 bartending horror stories that will make you tip extra next time

Bartender Putting Lemon in Cocktail

From bad tips to rowdy patrons — bartending can be one of the hardest jobs in the world. You work all night, on your feet, and your clientele is drunk. Thank goodness for bartenders because only the chosen few are cut out for this line of work.

Peeing on the bar, spilling champagne on a bride, and making the worst drinks ever — the following 16 bartenders share their horror stories from the frontlines. Of course, these stories are just for fun as INSIDER cannot independently authenticate them, but we hope your job is never as intense as it was for these bartenders.

SEE ALSO: 11 horror stories that happened to people at work that will make you want to work from home

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I made $42 in one 10-hour shift.

"I once worked Easter Sunday. The shift was 12-10pm, there were four bartenders on a 20 seat bar that was four deep pretty much the entire 10 hours. I rang $4,000 just on my register alone and sold more orders of buffalo wings and frozen drinks than any other shift in my life. I had to [have sold] at least 150 strawberry daiquiris and Pina Coladas. After 10 hours I was done and cut the tips. $42 … It was the last Easter Sunday I ever worked." — Redditor tripleskeet

I was almost sued in a wrongful death suit.

"The villas at the hotel I work in have private pools. [An] older couple comes in, nice people. They order drinks and head to their villa. Two hours later we get word that they found him passed out in the room and her floating facedown in the pool. I was the last person to serve them.

"The insurance company tried really hard to make me responsible for her death. For the next few weeks, I was interviewed about that night at least five times. If there hadn't been multiple open bottles of wine and liquor in their room, I'd probably be out of a job and have people coming after me for money in a wrongful death lawsuit." — Redditor gsr142

A regular tried to bite me.

"[I] had a regular who told me he wanted to bite my toes off … then he tried to actually bite me." — Redditor lindsroxx

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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