
10 of the most notorious UFO sightings in the world — and the eerie stories behind them

UFO sightings

The question of if there's life on other planets is hotly debated across the globe. A series of inexplicable UFO sightings and occurrences has led many to believe that aliens have existed among us.

Cynics continually try to explain away these events, while eyewitnesses couldn't be more certain of what they've seen. The most notorious UFO sightings in the world give backing to that when wondering if aliens are real, the answer may just be yes.

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1. A civilian pilot’s Washington flight

In 1947, a civilian pilot was flying past Washington's Mount Rainier when he reported that nine blue, glowing objects flew past him in a V formation, traveling at a speed of 1700 mph, according to History.

While he first believed the flying objects to be military-owned, the government stated that no one had been near Mount Rainier that day. Following his description of the blue, glowing objects as "a saucer if you skip it across water," the phrase flying saucer was popularized.

2. Lights in the Rendlesham forest

The Telegraph reported that on December 26, 1980, sections of the United States Air Force were stationed at a Royal Air Force military base near Suffolk, England. That day two members went into the forest where they claim to seen a craft of sorts that was covered in letters that resembled hieroglyphs. Floor markings and tree damage were also present in the area.

Then, two days later, other military personnel said they experienced the same thing, this time armed with a recording device. On December 28, it was reported that a bright red light occurred, followed by a craft crashing into the forest. An Air Force commander then went up to the craft and supposedly encountered an alien of sorts. The Ministry of Defense completely denies these occurrences.

3. Green lights over a reunifying Germany

In 1990, six weeks before Germany was set to become a united nation, a mysterious incident took place over the Greifswald power plant. According to The Local, seven green lights appeared in a line, hovering above the area. Staying visible for about 30 minutes, some believed this to be a protest against the upcoming reunification. However, there was no proof of anyone taking such actions and many viewers believe it was due to extraterrestrials. This incident has become known as "the Greifswald Lights."

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