
Millennials are the worst tippers, according to a new study


  •  A new study shows that Americans age 18-37 are more likely to be stingy when it comes to tipping than their older counterparts.
  • One in ten millennials said that they leave no tip, the highest figure of the age groups studied.
  • This online survey of 1,000 participants also showed that millennials would prefer higher prices and no tipping to our current system.

A new study published Sunday by showed that young adults ages 18-37 tip the least out of any age group. 

The study surveyed 1,000 people, and revealed 10% of Americans ages 18 to 37 routinely leave no tip, and nearly one in three leaves less than 15% when dining out. 

While millennials fall on the more close-fisted end of the survey spectrum, seniors aged 65+ were found to be the most generous tippers. Fifty-five percent said they leave 20% or more, compared to only 35% of people under 30 tipping at the same level.

"Tipping at sit-down restaurants has always been the standard in the US, but that’s not necessarily the case in other countries," said senior industry analyst Matt Schulz.

About 27% of the surveyed young adults noted that they would prefer a system — similar to what is practiced in other countries — where the service charge is included in restaurant prices, instead of leaving a tip on top of the food price.

"We’re seeing younger adults tipping less, and even showing a greater preference toward eliminating tipping altogether, even if it means paying more on the bill," Schulz said.

People who hope to abolish the current system tended to have college degrees and make more annually than their counterparts.  

When presented with pre-calculated tip amounts after checking out at a coffee shop or while using Uber or Lyft, one in six surveyed millennials said that they regularly choose the lowest suggested amount.

Michael Lynn, a tipping expert at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, noted that "income predicts tipping," but "older people really prefer tipping," so it can be difficult to determine if these results are based on a widespread trend or if it boils down to people with more money tend to tip more.

Other gathered survey findings include: women tend to be more generous tippers than men, married people tip more than single people, and customers in the Northeast and Midwest tend to tip the most.

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