
I tried an earwax removal method that involves putting candles in my ears— and it was oddly satisfying

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My boyfriend came home from work one day with a few candles wrapped in an odd-looking package. They were the tall, thin type of candles that I didn't have a vase for, so I asked him what he planned on putting them in.

"My ear!" he said all too casually.

After he explained this medieval earwax removal process called "ear candling," we proceeded to try it.

Just so we're clear, earwax doesn't need to be removed. It acts as an antibacterial that fights off infection. But it's one of those things, like pimple popping, that's extremely gratifying to do. As I'm attracted to all things gross yet satisfying, I tried ear candling as an at-home earwax removal method to see if it worked.

Ear candling has an interesting history.

No one really knows who decided that sticking a lit candle in your ear was a good idea, let alone who figured out that it could remove earwax. Apparently, this method goes back to traditional Chinese, Egyptian and North American medicine. Yet, there are claims that ear candling was used by the ancient Greeks, then popularized by the Hopi Indian tribe of the American Southwest. It's origins, much like pimple popping, remain a mystery.

Regardless, ear candling is a popular alternative medicine therapy and one of the oldest and most widespread methods for removing earwax. The box that the candles came in gave a vague description that "ear candles have been used for centuries to create a sense of wellbeing." Apparently, ear candles not only remove earwax but also drain the passages in the head to boost overall wellbeing. (A nice marketing play, but I'd like to keep some of the fluids in my noggin.)  

The procedure itself is a little unsettling.

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After getting over the initial shock that we weren't going to be using these candles for a romantic dinner, rather to remove earwax, my boyfriend and I proceeded to try it. You can find ear candling kits at most drug or health food stores for $5 to $10. It's important to note that if you're trying this at home, remember that the ear canal and the eardrum are very sensitive, so use caution.

It's unsettling at first. You stick one end of a hollow candle in your ear, lay on your side, then light the other end of it on fire. You'll hear an initial hissing sound, followed by a continuous crackling sound. This is supposed to be the heat from the candle extracting the earwax like a vacuum. It's oddly satisfying.

After about 15 minutes, the candle will be three-quarters of the way burned, which is when you need to blow it out and remove it from your ear. Most candles have a red marking on them to signal when to stop.

The best part of the entire ear candling process (the pimple popping moment) is when you unravel the end of the candle that was in your ear. After I unraveled it, I found a bunch of yellow-orange crust that built up within the candle. Seeing all that gunk gave me a huge wave of satisfaction.

Bad news though, it probably doesn't actually work.

I assumed that by the look of how much gunk was in the unraveled part of the candle that the process worked. I could also hear a little better and my sinuses felt more clear. Although, that might have been all in my head. It's been proven that ear candling doesn't work and it's totally denounced by doctors.

Ear candling is risky because the wax might melt and drip down onto the eardrum — even if the candle has a safety filter at the bottom. Studies prove that the bit of powdery, orange crust that I thought was earwax is actually candle wax. It's a byproduct of the candle melting into itself.

So do I still choose to believe it's ear wax?

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Of course, I do. It's more satisfying that way. Just as Q-tips aren't an effective way to get rid of earwax, the same goes for ear candling. Yet, I still do it.

Overall, it's best to just see a doctor.

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Even though I love doing these satisfyingly gross things on my own, it's best to ditch the at-home earwax removal kits and see a doctor if you're having trouble hearing or experience uncomfortable symptoms of a massive wax blockage. They'll be able to really look inside your ear and use the correct tools and methods for extracting mass amounts of earwax should there be a medical need for it. So maybe I'll keep the candles on the dinner table and out of my ear. It's more romantic that way.

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SEE ALSO: This super magnified earwax removal video is like nothing you've ever seen

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