
Everything I loved and hated about using HTC's new $800 flagship smartphone, the U12+

HTC U12+ Phone

I'll say this about the HTC U12+: At least it's different. 

HTC's newest flagship smartphone made its debut last month. It's shiny, squeezable, and has two camera lenses on the back and front. And if you get the blue version like I did, it has a transparent back so you can see inside the device. 

But there's also a lot to be desired.

I've been using the HTC U12+ over the last few weeks. I found features I enjoyed, traits I hated, and aspects of the device that were both delightful and frustrating all at once. 

Here are all the things I loved and hated about using the HTC U12+. 

Love: The transparent back

HTC added a fun new feature on the HTC U12+: a transparent back that allows you to see some of the phone's internals. 

The transparent back is only available on the blue version of the phone — the black version and red option (coming later this year) both have opaque backs. All three phones have HTC's now-signature shiny metallic finish.

The finish, combined with the cool, almost futuristic transparent glass, make the HTC U12+ a truly stunning device. I often found myself turning the phone over just to look at it, and I love that it doesn't look like any other phone on the market. 

Also on the subject of design: HTC moved the fingerprint sensor to the back of the device and centered the horizontally aligned rear cameras. From the back, the HTC U12+ is just plain good-looking. 

Hate: The slipperiness

That beautiful shiny finish has a major downside: the HTC U12+ is dangerously slippery. 

The HTC U12+ slides off of any surface that's not perfectly flat. If you place the phone face-up on your couch cushion and walk away, expect it to be on the floor upon your return. 

The HTC U12+ will slip right out of your hand, seemingly on its own. You'll think you have a tight grip on, but it won't matter, because you will undoubtedly fumble it in a way that would be comical if you weren't terrified of cracking your $800 glass smartphone. 

I love you, shiny finish, but you are not meant for the cruel realities of this life. 

Love: USB-C charging

It's basically the norm for an Android phone to have USB-C charging these days. But what isn't yet the norm is using that USB-C port for more than just charging up your phone. 

HTC is kind enough to include a pair of headphones in the box when you buy an HTC U12+, which is great since the headphone jack has been removed. But the bonus of USB-C headphones — no matter how cheap and basic-looking they are — is that they're able to support noise-canceling

HTC does another cool thing where its headphones are concerned: You can create a personal audio profile on the U11 Life in order to tune the headphones to your own hearing. The phone will play sounds through the buds to scan your ear structure, then tune the noise canceling for your personal needs. It seems a little gimmicky, but it also seems to actually work.

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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