
A Belgian city is begging people not to dig up its central square to find a stolen Renaissance painting that might be buried there

Belguim Stolen Painting Ghent Alterpiece

  • A panel of "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb," a famed early Renaissance painting, was stolen in 1934.
  • People have been trying to solve one of the art world's biggest mysteries for decades.
  • The authors of a new book now claim to know where the masterpiece is hidden — underneath a square just outside the cathedral it was taken from.
  • The mayor of Ghent is urging treasure hunters not to dig up Kalandeberg square themselves looking for the artwork.

The mayor of a city in Belgium has had to warn people not to dig up its central square, after the authors of a book claim that part of a Renaissance masterpiece is buried underneath it.

A panel of the 15th century painting "Adoration of the Mystic Lamb" disappeared from Ghent in 1934, and only a few clues were left behind. But on Friday, an engineer claimed that he had solved the riddle left behind after the disappearance.

Gino Marchal, co-author of "The Fourteenth Letter," claimed that the panel is hidden under a square in the Kalandeberg area of the city centre — where the mayor is now urging treasure hunters not to dig.

"Do not undertake anything yourself," mayor Daniel Termont told residents, according to Flemish newspaper De Standaard. "Please do not undertake anything yourself."

"That is work for the police and the public prosecutor's office."

Ghent Belgium stock photo St Bavo Cathedral

Some have suggested that the announcement was a publicity stunt for the book, but Termont said that the public prosecutor's office "takes this theory very seriously."

"The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb," also known as the Ghent Altarpiece, is one of the most famous early Renaissance oil paintings.

It shows a host of Biblical figures, including Adam and Eve, John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, and Jesus.

Attributed to Hubert and Jan van Eyck, the painting was finished in 1432, and spent most of its life in the St Bavo Cathedral, until the theft of two panels in 1934.

The 1934 theft was followed by a ransom demand for 1 million Belgian francs, which was never met.

During World War II, the Nazis took the remaining panels, but they were later recovered.

One of the two stolen panels was later returned as well, anonymously, but the final one has not been located.

Marchal's theory that the panel is buried nearby is based on one of 13 ransom notes found in the home of stockbroker Arsène Goedertier. The words "oiseau, arte, jean, nina, erpe and fourrure" (French for bird, art, Jean, Nina, Erpe, and fur) and the number 152 were found on the note.

Marchal claimed on Friday that he found locations related to four of these words, and that these locations were all 152 metres from a single point in Kalandeberg.

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