
This mom and her kid commute over a river by zipline every day because there's no bridge

china zipline commute

  • Cha Huilan and her two-year-old get to town in Lazimi by zipline.
  • The hair-raising commute is necessary because there's no bridges nearby.

This is a photo of Cha Huilan, a 40-year-old mother from a remote Chinese village, ziplining across the raging waters to head to her local market.

It's a commute that Cha, who lives in the southwestern Chinese village of Lazimi, makes often as she needs to buy medicine for her mother, according to Reuters.

Sometimes she even takes her two-year-old daughter with her on the perilous commute, as can be seen in the photo.

There are no proper bridges or roads nearby, and Cha can't take a boat because it's too dangerous to cross the river — whose name, Nujiang (怒江), literally means "angry river" in Chinese.

Cha told Reuters: "If they built a bridge, that would be nice, but for now we can't get over there."

Inhabitants of more than 20 nearby settlements also rely on zipline due to the lack of infrastructure.

The image cuts a dramatic contrast to the glitz and glamour of China's major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, which boasts futuristic supermarkets that predict customers' grocery orders and a massive amusement park-like Starbucks that roast, package, and serve coffee in front of customers.

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