
9 things parents who raise successful kids have in common


  • Parenthood takes many forms, and often parents are bombarded with advice from family members, friends, and experts.
  • However, according to parenting experts, the ways some people parent may influence how successful their children become.
  • Here’s how to raise successful kids.


When it comes to raising children, parents often seek advice from a variety of sources: family members, friends, experts, books, and more. Of course, every parent wants their kids to be happy and successful, but what’s the magical secret?

Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free,” has some ideas. “While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are definitely traits that parents of successful children have in common,” she told Business Insider.

1. They know raising successful kids is their job, and it's one they take seriously

To excel at any job, you want to give it your all — and that includes raising children. “A parent’s job is to raise successful grownups,” Dr. Tessina said. “At every stage, and especially the high school years, these parents keep in mind that their children need to learn to be self-sufficient, responsible, self-motivating, and good at relationships.”

2. They run their own lives well

Even unknowingly, parents constantly set examples for their children, often through osmosis. “As a parent, the best thing you can do to teach children success is to succeed yourself let them see what it takes,” Dr. Tessina said. “This not only means you need to have a definition of success, but also an understanding of how to achieve it.”

3. They are not afraid to make mistakes

No one likes to make mistakes, but it is how someone deals with them that makes all the difference. “Parents with successful kids are not afraid of making mistakes that their children can see,” Dr. Tessina said. “Watching you mess up and then watching you fix it and move on is a great life lesson for your kids and can turn every bad moment around.”

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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