
33 cities around the world where healthcare is good, housing is affordable, and people have the best quality of life

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  • Wellington, New Zealand, has the best quality of life of any city in the world, according to a report from Deutsche Bank.
  • Measures that went into the bank's quality of life index include quality of healthcare, cost of consumer goods, and housing affordability.
  • Boston has a better quality of life than New York with higher marks for healthcare and affordability.

Life is good Down Under.

A report shows that several of the world cities with the best quality of life are in Australia and New Zealand. Australia has the 7th and 8th best cities and New Zealand has the first and 12th cities for best quality of life, according to a new report by Deutsche Bank Market Research.

Deutsche Bank created their quality of life index for 50 cities with global economies by compiling numerous measures including overall quality of healthcare, cost of consumer goods, and housing affordability.

Prices for consumer goods, groceries, and rent were compared to find each city's cost of living rankHousing affordability is measured by the ratio of property price to income. Other measures that went into the quality of life index include safety, climate, and traffic.

Quality of life map

Four US cities appear on the list, with New York having the lowest quality of life ranking of the group. Chicago and San Francisco are above New York, but below Boston, which the report found to have the best quality of life for an American city.

Each city is ranked on eight measurements that indicate quality of life, with 1 being the highest possible rank and 50 being the lowest.

Below, the world cities with the best quality of life, and how each fares for quality of healthcare, cost of consumer goods, and housing affordability.

33. London, United Kingdom

Healthcare: 28

Cost of living: 40

Property to income ratio: 42

32. Paris, France

Healthcare: 11

Cost of living: 42

Property to income ratio: 38

31. New York City, United States

Healthcare: 35

Cost of living: 47

Property to income ratio: 27

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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