
What you need to know in advertising today


NBCUniversal is signing on to help TV advertising transform itself into a digital, data-driven business — one that's ideally better armed to battle Facebook and Google.

So it's partnering with three of its blood rivals: Fox, Turner and Viacom.

About a year ago, those three media titans joined forces to announce OpenAP, a consortium aimed at making it easier for advertisers to target people with specific ads, much like they've become accustomed to doing in digital media.

But a few big companies were glaringly absent, including NBCUniversal and Disney. Now, NBCU is not only joining OpenAP, but it plans to license some of its premium data and ad products to potentially make the consortium more potent.

To read more about the progress of OpenAP, click here.

In other news:

Al Jazeera plans to launch a version of 'America's Got Talent' for digital news influencers who connect with Gen Z. The news organization's digital division is now planning to roll out another new brand in the US aimed at Gen Z centered on digital influencers.

More than 100 million people pay for Amazon Prime, Amazon's fast shipping service that includes perks like movie, TV, and music streaming. CEO Jeff Bezos revealed the numbers in his annual shareholder letter.

Amazon is gaining ground after Jeff Bezos reveals how many people pay for Prime. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' annual letter to shareholders indicates that 100 million people pay for Prime globally.

How hidden trackers on websites use 'login with Facebook' to harvest your data. The trackers can harvest user data like profile picture, name, email address, age, and gender — probably much more than people intend to give away when they log into sites using Facebook.

Facebook will change its terms of service in May and will start asking users if they want to continue sharing sensitive data like sexual orientation. That's thanks to a strict new European privacy regulation coming into force next month.

Speaking of GDPR, here's what you need to know about GDPR, the new EU privacy rules that have Silicon Valley scrambling to keep up. It affects any company that processes EU citizens' data, regardless of whether or not the company is based in the EU.

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