
Trump was reportedly confused that the CIA delayed a drone strike until the terrorist separated from his family: 'Why did you wait?'

Donald Trump

  • "Why did you wait?," Trump reportedly asked the CIA in January 2017 after watching a pre-recorded drone strike.
  • The drone operators had waited for the terrorist to be separated from his family before commencing the strike. 
  • Trump argued for killing the families of terrorists on the presidential campaign trail, which violates the Geneva Convention.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Donald Trump said as a presidential candidate in 2015.

He apparently wasn't bluffing. 

When Trump visited the CIA's office on his first full day as president in January 2017, he was reportedly shown a previously recorded drone strike on a terrorist. The agents waited for the terrorist to separate from his family before firing, according to the Washington Post.  

"Why did you wait?," Trump asked, the Post reported, citing an official in the room.

The Post also notes that Trump "seemed unimpressed" when a CIA official told him the agency had developed special munitions to limit civilian casualties.

The Post story highlights the disagreements between the president and his top brass, delving into the "infinite wars" that have plagued the US for decades and what the definition of winning even means in the 21st century. 

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists, realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of," Senator Rand Paul said after Trump again argued for killing the families of terrorists during a December 2015 Republican presidential primary. "It would defy every norm that is America."

"It's very interesting what's happens with the Geneva Convention," Trump later said during a March 2016 interview. "Everybody believes in the Geneva Convention until they start losing and then it's okay, let's take out the bomb."

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