
Trump condemns 'atrocious' attack in Syria, says major decision coming in 24-48 hours

Donald Trump

  • President Donald Trump said the alleged chemical attack in Syria over the weekend was "atrocious" and "horrible."
  • Trump said a major decision from his administration was coming within the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • Both Trump and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said "nothing is off the table."

President Donald Trump responded to this weekend's alleged chemical attack on Monday in a press pool, striking an aggressive tone.

Trump said the attack "was atrocious. It was horrible." His administration, Trump said, would make a decision as to how to respond within the next 24 to 48 hours. 

"This is about humanity and it can't be allowed to happen," Trump said. He added that the US was going to find out who it was — "If it's the Russians, if it's Syria, if it's Iran, if it's all of them together, we'll figure it out."

"We can not allow atrocities like that," Trump said. "Everybody's going to pay a price."

When asked what type of options are being considered, the president said that "nothing is off the table." Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made the same statement earlier Monday.

The crisis comes on newly-appointed national security adviser John Bolton's first day in the White House. Bolton has been extremely hawkish in the past, especially on key Syria ally Iran. 

It also comes after Israeli war planes apparently attacked Syria's T-4 airfield in Homs province, which reportedly resulted in a number of casualties.

The airfield was attacked in the past by Israeli Air Force jets after an Iranian drone violated Israeli airspace. An IAF F-16 that was returning from the mission was shot down by Syrian air defenses, but only after it flew back into Israeli airspace.

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