
I have sex every day — here are 8 reasons why you should give it shot


Let's be honest, sex is generally pretty great. At least personally, I've always thought that sex is great and I've loved experiencing it with different people. But I've never gotten serious enough with someone to live together and have the option of having sex every day until now.

My boyfriend and I recently started living together and decided to really take advantage of it by having sex every single day. Of course, there are days when we're just too tired or one of us isn't feeling great and we'll take a rain check. But for the most part we've gotten used to having daily sex.

Obviously, you should do what's right or you and your body and relationship, but since I've started having daily sex, not only has my sex life never been better, I've also never been happier. Allow me to explain why.

SEE ALSO: I've never enjoyed sex and I finally gave it up — here's why you shouldn't be afraid to do the same

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Sex feels fantastic and it puts me in a good mood.

Let's start with the obvious, sex feels good. Aside from our biological need to have sex to pass on our genes, we have sex because it makes us feel good. On a neurological level, having sex releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the feelings of pleasure you get from eating a piece of chocolate, doing certain drugs, or well, having sex. It makes sense then that if sex feels good we want to do it as much as possible and feel good all the time, which is why having daily sex is ideal for me.

I have the pleasure (pun intended) of having sex every single day, and getting that dopamine release all the time and that alone is incredible. I can be having a miserable day but I always know that at the end of it, I get to go home, have sex, and feel amazing. Bad day instantly erased.

Not only does sex feel good on a physical and neurological level, it also makes me feel good about myself. The sex itself puts me in a good mood, but knowing that I'm in a happy, committed relationship that works well enough to support a great sex life makes me feel even better.

Before, when I had sex and showed up to work the next day, my coworkers would always ask why I looked so happy, but now I'm so happy all the time that they no longer ask because happy and confident is my base state.

Having sex consistently decreases pressure to always be mind-blowing in bed.

When you're not having sex consistently, it's easy to build it up and expect the next time to be absolutely mind-blowing. That can be a lot of pressure to place on you and your partner an easy way to leave you disappointed when the great-but-not-spectacular sex fails to make you see fireworks.

By having sex daily, I've circumvented the idea that every time I have sex it needs to make me feel like I died and went to heaven. Don't get me wrong, my boyfriend and I have great sex, but I no longer go into it feeling like it has to be life-changing every time. I don't feel pressured to put on a show and neither does my boyfriend instead of bringing out all these crazy moves and going at it for an inhuman amount of time, we just focus on doing what makes us feel good and that's really what matters.

Although there are times when we definitely bring out the big guns and really get into it, we understand that not every night has to be that way and we're totally fine with it. Even on the rare nights that one of us isn't really feeling it or it's just not going too great, we can easily shrug it off and not feel embarrassed, after all, there's always tomorrow.

It also allows me to try new things.

Having sex every day has opened up my sex life to many possibilities. Of course, you can absolutely try new things in the bedroom even when you're not having sex on the daily, but when you have consistent sex, you're devoting a lot more time to the act, and in turn have a lot more time to try new things than if you were only having sex a couple of times a week.

If my boyfriend and I think of something new we want to try, we can try it that night (or morning) and get instant results on whether it works for us or not and either incorporate it into our routine or skip it next time. Because we know we can always have satisfying sex within 24 hours or less, we don't lose anything by trying something new. Additionally, having sex every day means some moves can get old fast so constantly trying new things is absolutely welcome.

See the rest of the story at INSIDER

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