
Here's what Carl wrote in his 'Walking Dead' letter to Negan

negan carl walking dead

Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for Sunday's "The Walking Dead," "Worth."

Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead," "Worth," finally revealed Carl's full letter to Negan.

Michonne first came across Negan's letter in the 10th episode of the season, "The Lost and the Plunderers," as she and Rick tried to hold it together after Carl's death in the mid-season premiere

Last chance to head back before spoilers. 

negan and rick

As they drove off from Alexandria, Michonne started going through the many letters Carl wrote to friends and family before his demise. Among letters written to Michonne, Rick, and his apocalypse girlfriend Enid, Michonne was surprised to find a note to Negan, the leader of the Saviors. 

Instead of giving an immediate response, Rick said he needed to speak with Jadis, the leader of the Scavengers, to gather their weapons and people in their cause against Negan. 

However, when Rick and Michonne discover that all of them except Jadis were wiped out by the Saviors, the two head back out on the road. It's there, Michonne suggests that maybe this is what his son Carl was talking about in his final moments. They have a choice of what to do with those who are still living.

That gets to Rick. 

He pulls over to the side of the road and takes Carl's letters with him. Instead of opening his own, he goes straight to Negan's. He opens it up and we see it for a brief moment.

negan walking dead carl letter

We never get a great look at the full letter on screen. Instead, Rick gives Negan a call over the long range walkie talkie. Instead of enlightening him about the mass slaughter committed by his Saviors — something that would have been in Rick's favor — Rick informs Negan that Carl is dead. 

After telling him how it happened, he tells him a summary of the letter's contents. 

"He asked you to stop. He asked me to stop. He asked us for peace," Rick tells Negan.

But that's not all it said.

carls letter negan walking dead

While we were previously able to make out part of the letter, on Sunday's episode, "Worth," viewers were treated to the full thing. 

Michonne took Carl's letter to Negan and went to deliver it to the Sanctuary. She read it in full to him to try and put a stop to the war. (It didn't work.)

Here's Carl's letter in full to Negan:


This is Carl. I was helping someone. I got bit. We didn't even have to be doing what we were doing. I was just helping someone and now I'm gone.

You might be gone. Maybe my dad made your people give you up and he killed you — but I don't think so. I think you're still around and you're working on a way out. Maybe you got out. Maybe you think we're a lost cause and you just want to kill all of us.

I think you think you have to be who you are. I just wonder if this is what you wanted. I wanted to ask you. I wish I could have.

Maybe you'll beat us. And if you do, there'll just be someone else to fight. The way out is working together. It's forgiveness. It's believing that it doesn't have to be a fight anymore. Because it doesn't. 

I hope my dad offers you peace. I hope you take it. I hope everything can change. It did for me.

Start over. You still can.

- Carl

the walking dead negan rick

The important takeaway here is that Negan was originally receptive of Carl's wishes when Rick told him about his son's death. He didn't mind making some sort of peace. He tells Rick he saw Carl as the future of this world. As evidenced earlier in the season, Negan has said he doesn't want to kill every living human. He sees people as a resource and a necessity to keeping what's left of the world alive.

In his mind, that's why his group is called the Saviors. 

It's Rick who needed to be convinced. Immediately following Carl's death, he was blinded by a rage and vengeance where he simply wanted to lash out at and kill Negan. He then savagely killed a group of Saviors alongside Morgan. That wasn't solving anything.

the walking dead negan rick

In season eight, episode 10, Negan smartly called Rick out. He told him Carl is dead because of him, because Rick didn't "stop him from doing something stupid." Now, sure, Negan has a bit of an inflated ego and tried to say he's someone who stops people from dying, but he did make one valid point.

"It may have taken a hard lesson for you to hear it, but you should hear it now. It's time," Negan told Rick. "Do not let any more of your sh-- decisions cost you to lose anyone else you love. That garbage, it sticks with you, forever, just like Carl will."

Here's the crazy thing. Negan wasn't completely wrong! Rick has made some awful decisions that have led to the deaths of others. There have been lists made about Rick's poor leadership skills

As teased in the mid-season premiere, it looks like Rick will eventually realize his son and Negan are right. They can't continue this inane fight. After reading his letter from Carl, it looks like Rick may have a different perspective on the war. 

Heading into the season's finale, it may be too late to change Negan's mind. After betrayals from his top two men, he's not seeing things the way he was a few episodes back.

"There is no getting out of it now," Negan tells Michonne. "I wouldn't accept your surrender if you came to me on your knees. Seen winning isn't about beating you. Winning is about killing every last one of you. That is starting over. I never wanted this. Rick made this happen. You tell him that. No more talk." 

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SEE ALSO: Here's what Carl's letter says to his father

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