
Al Jazeera plans to launch a version of 'America's Got Talent' for digital news influencers who connect with Gen Z

al jazeera

  • Al Jazeera has successfully built a millennial-aimed news brand AJ+, primarily on Facebook. But as Facebook pivots away from news, the company is focusing on a new centralized website, YouTube and other outlets.
  • The news organization's digital division is now planning to roll out another new brand in the US aimed at Gen Z centered on digital influencers.

Al Jazeera is still a relatively under-the-radar news brand in the US. But it has quietly amassed close to 11 million followers on Facebook by catering to a millennial audience with AJ+, a content channel that deliberately doesn't carry the Al Jazeera brand. 

Since launching in September of 2014, the social video-first news brand AJ+ has built a sizable following on Facebook (4 billion views in the past two years) with a mix of short and long form news clips. Given the changes in the Facebook news feed, it's recently expanded onto other platforms, like YouTube and its own branded website.

Dr. Yaser Bishr, Al Jazeera's SVP of Digital, oversees all the Qatari-based, linear-TV-centric company's digital properties, which include, AJ+, a fledgling virtual reality studio, an audio content brand called Jetty, as well as Sadeem, an upcoming news influencer brand aimed at Generation Z. Business Insider talked to Dr. Bishr about the company's budding US expansion plans.

Mike Shields
: What made you start a new brand rather than one tied to the TV networks?

Dr. Yaser Bishr: What we know is millennials don't trust mainstream media much. There's too much legacy. And they like conversations, they like opinionated coverage. That's really not what Al Jazeera is about. Al Jazeera is more traditional, BBC-like. Straight journalism. That doesn't appeal to millennials too much.

So in order for us to do this and not hurt the traditional brand, you've got to create a separate brand. It gives you more freedom.

Shields: When you launched, like several digital startups at that time, you were seemingly focused on being a distributed media brand that existed mostly on Facebook, and didn't have a website. What's changed in light of the Facebook algorithm change?

Dr. Bishr: When AJ+ was created, Facebook was on fire at the time. We came really at the right time. So we focused all of our energy on building the brand on Facebook. Now, it's different. We're on YouTube. We're starting our own website.

Facebook is more of a laid back scroll. And the algorithm change is impacting us in a big way. So the lesson learned here is, it's time for our own site. Facebook is steering away from news. You can read [CEO Mark Zuckerberg's] intent. He doesn't want to be regulated. And news for him is not much in terms of revenue.

Shields: Yet given all that, Facebook is reportedly talking to news companies about making content for Facebook Watch. 

Dr. Bishr: Zuckerberg is smart. But I don't know how they are going to do it. If you look at the behavior on Facebook, it's not [about news]. You've already built the habit to scroll the news feed. So for a person to physically go to Watch and physically go to a News section, I'm not sure. You're really building a whole new habit.

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Shields: When you started AJ +, you didn't sell any ads, right?

Dr. Bishr: In terms of monetizing, I was completely against that. My goal for the first few years was to build the audience. Monetization is really disruptive early on. I think we got the benefits of that. The brand is strong now. We have significant loyalty.

So we're looking to monetize it now, but very carefully. The way Al Jazeera is structured, we look to monetize to increase distribution and reach. So our primary goal is reach and distribution.

Shields: Why have your own site?

Dr. Bishr: I think it is time for us to build a home. The gap that is created now, with Facebook moving away from news, it's opening an opportunity for us. There's a subset of the audience that wants more. The billion dollar question is, if someone sees a video on Facebook, what makes them come to your website?

Shields: Beyond AJ+, in 2016 Al Jazeera decided to put all its digital properties into one group, rather than have them tied to individual networks. What's that been like?

Dr. Bishr: I know how to build a business inside a business. But oh my god, it's harder than building a startup. It's challenging in a company that is 20 to 25 years in broadcast.

When we were deciding to form the digital group, I had discussions with the board, I talked to competitors at BBC, CNN ...[the thinking was] when you sit at a table and discuss budget, who is the biggest elephant in the room? It's the broadcast TV group. So who's going to get the attention? When you ask for services and everything, TV will get the services.

So when you are part of the bigger elephant, you can't get the entire attention. Plus, we now know from experience that what works on TV doesn't work on digital. So you have to have your own production. You need to be first class citizens in a company.

Shields: Do you see a big future for your brands in TV apps? 

Dr. Bishr: Maybe for documentaries. But news has it's own consumption behavior. So I'm not sure. The challenge is reaching Gen Z.

Shields: You are trying something unique to reach this group, right?

Dr. Bishr: Gen Z, because they use Snapchat, etc, they are more interested in individuals, or having a conversation or a relationships with a content producer, and less a media brand. I am betting that the future is going to be about a network of influencers. News organizations are going to have this. You saw CNN do this with Casey Neistat. It didn't work. But the thinking was right.

So we created a format like "America's Got Talent" but for top influencers in the Middle East. It's called Sadeem. Since October we've got 18,000 applications. The judges picked 20 and they are currently competing. The plan is to build a brand from scratch. Next we want to bring the format to the US with a different name, and we're seeking production partners.

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